9. Shock

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A/N: I'm Back....and with a DOUBLE UPDATE!!! Midterms and life sucked last week so I didn't update but today you all get two chapters! I hope you enjoy them but I also need to let you all know that the update schedule is now Mondays and Thursdays! I hope you all understand and enjoy the chapters!


I wake up and forget momentarily that I'm in a hotel and not at home in my bed. Josh is gone and I can't seem to figure out where he went. My phone is blaring loudly as I glance over at Riley's bed which is also empty. My head is spinning as I reach over to grab my cell.

"Hello" I answer softly, still trying to fight the sleep out of my voice.

"Mommy" Emma exclaims making me smile as I run my fingers through my hair.

"Hi baby girl" I smile. "Having fun?"

"Yep. Me and Lily are going to the mall today" she informs me excitedly. "I'm gonna get Chilly" she exclaims making me laugh. She was slowly but surely compiling her group of Doc McStuffins characters.

"Have fun baby girl" I insist as the bathroom door opens to reveal Josh. Happiness and even more confusion rush my body as I stare up at his half naked body, his lower half wrapped in a towel.

"I will. Love you mommy."

"Love you too baby girl" I reply happily as I hang up the phone, locking eyes with a smiling Josh.

"Where's Riles?" I ask confused as I motion to the bed beside me.

"She was gone when I got up" he shrugs as he sits on the bed beside me. "Maybe she went to see Lucas" he smirks making me laugh as I lean over to kiss him.

"I'm glad you came last night."

"Me too. I sleep better with you in my arms" he adds making my heart swell.

"The feeling is mutual" I assure him as the hotel room door opens revealing Riley.

"You're up" she exclaims. "Morning Uncle Josh" she adds with a smirk making a blush rise on my cheeks.

"Morning Riles" he smiles shyly as he kisses my cheek. "I'm gonna get dressed" he explains as he walks off back into the bathroom.

"If you really wanted to have Josh here last night all you had to do was ask. I would've been happy to room with Lucas."

"This is supposed to be a girl's weekend" I argue making her laugh.

"We're all girls who are insanely in love. If you wanna see my uncle then see him" she says making me smile as Josh waltzes back into the room.

"I'll text you with the casino info later" he says as he makes his way over to me. "I'll run into you later" he smirks making me giggle as he leans down to kiss me. "Love you."

"Love you too" I smile before he heads out the door.

"Casino? This is gonna be interesting" Riley says as she crosses her arms over her chest.

"With this group it's always interesting" I remind her as I grab my phone, awaiting the details for tonight.


We end up at a casino a few miles down the road from the hotel. The girls have already started gambling and Smackle has already won twice the amount she started with tonight, I guess being a genius had its perks.

"Where's your drink beautiful?" I hear over my shoulder making my blood run cold as I look up and lock eyes with Matt. What the hell was he doing here?

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" I ask annoyed as I look up at him.

"Ha" he laughs as he takes a seat beside me, "it's funny how fast a relationship flames out when an ex is in peril" he adds making me look at him curiously. I don't want to talk to him but I can't fight my intrigue.

"What are you talking about?" I ask him, making him smirk. I knew this was his goal, to start a conversation. Ugh I hated playing right into his hands but I really was curious.

"Dylan's dad, that Drew guy. He's sick. Callie hasn't left his side so of course I had to end it" he shrugs. "What about your boyfriend? I know he has a connection to Drew."

"I don't think he's heard a thing" I reply honestly. "Matt what are you doing here?"

"Wouldn't you like to know" he smirks as he stands up. "See you later Maya" he adds as he stalks off making me annoyed. I get up and head to the bar to get a drink. As much as I wanted another baby I had to admit not being pregnant had its advantages.

"Apple Martini please" I order as I walk up to the bar, suddenly feeling an arm snaking behind my back. I jump in his arms, startled by the contact.

"Woah, you okay baby?" Josh asks worriedly as he hugs me tighter to his side.

"Yea, I'm fine" I lie making him furrow his brows in concern as he looks down at me.

"Baby we've been together for years, you can't lie to me. What's going on?" he asks as he takes a seat on the stool beside me while I take a sip of my drink.

"Matt was here" I say simply causing Josh's eyes to widen.

"What is he stalking you? I'll knock that asshole out if he comes near you again" he says angrily as I place my hand over his.

"It's okay" I assure him, "he just told me something that shocked me a bit."

"What?" he asks concerned as he tightens his hold on my hand.

"Drew is sick" I say softly causing him to look at me in confusion, shaking his head.

"No. He's not. Someone would've told me" he argues and I can see his heart breaking. Drew was his best friend before he knocked up his girlfriend but I knew deep down he still cared for him.

"Maybe Matt lied but he said he dumped Callie because she's glued to Drew" I explain as I sip my cocktail.

"I can't believe no one told me. How could no one tell me?" he exclaims making me grow sadder and sadder. I hated seeing him like this.

"I don't know" I say softly. "But we can look into it tomorrow when we get home. Okay?" I ask as I lock eyes with his as he nods reluctantly.

"Yea okay" he agrees as he runs his fingers through his hair.

"You gonna be okay?" I ask as I hop off my barstool, coming to stand in front of him.

"Yea" he sighs as he moves his hands to my waist. "If he really is sick I want you to come with me to see him" he adds as I smile with a nod.

"Of course" I assure him as I lean down to kiss him. "It'll be okay."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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