No More Tears

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                  !!Character Death!!

I heard tired screeches and a loud noise. I felt a hard pang in my chest as I fell to the ground. "GEORGE" I heard a voice say, I couldn't identify it. Was it Jorel? No, it was Jordon. He's always had feelings for me, even if he didn't show it. I looked up at him and smiled "I love you Jordon..." I said as it all went white.

"I love you Jordon" those words hit like a truck as he slowly started to close his eyes. I cried and held him has Matt dialed 9-1-1.

About 15 minutes later an ambulance came and took George away in a body bag after not finding a pulse on him. Matt drove me home and stayed with me, he didn't want me to do anything that could kill me.

He locked away all the knives and pretty much any sharp object and chemical. "Jordon, it's okay, you're going to be okay" he said trying to calm me down.

It didn't work, it only made it worse, the tears fell harder and faster. "N-no it's not! I heard the love of my life finally tell me that he loves me! You don't know that feeling!" I shouted at him. I leaned into his chest and cried.

He rubbed my head a bit and it seemed to have relaxed me enough to fall asleep but only to wake up a few minutes later to Matt not here and there is empty cans of beer, tears on my pillow and blood on my knife.

I kept crying, it was too much pain, I have lost all track of time I don't talk to the guys anymore I've tried to get myself up but I couldn't. I looked at my knife "no more tears" I sobbed to myself and plunged the knife into my chest.

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