Deadly Encounters

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A/N Quick shout out to the following people, you're all the reason I posted so quickly, thanks for all your kinds words and encouragement: lotrpottereragon66, ForeverBlooming, and bookworm2396

Kayli's PoV

“Kayli, time to get a move on or we’re going to be late.”

I groaned, pulling the covers over my head to block out the blinding sunlight, “Five more minutes Sam.”

“Sam left ten minutes ago, now get up before I dump this cold water all over you.”

I shot up throwing the blanket off my head, wiping the sleep out of my eyes I looked up to see a smiling Xavier staring down at me, “Xavier?”

“The one and only. Sorry to disappoint but Sam left a while ago and I figured since we are now friends I couldn’t let my friend sleep through practice” he smirked, handing me a bottle a bottle of water.

“Um thanks” I muttered, grabbing the bottle and taking a big swig of it.

“Whoa there tiger, save some of that for practice. Now get up and get ready, we need to be on the field in twenty minutes.”

I gave him a thumbs up and got up of bed, tripping over the blanket that I had carelessly thrown on the floor. Struggling to gain my footing, Xavier reached out and pulled me up before I had a chance to face-plant.

“Easy there kiddo, if I didn’t know any better I would think you were drunk” he chuckled, and I could feel the vibrations in his chest as his arms were still holding me up.

“Ha ha I wish, no I’m just naturally clumsy.”

“That’s surprising because when you’re on the field you’re pretty graceful” he mused.

“Thanks, I think” I was surprised he even noticed through all the glaring he was always throwing in my direction.

Noticing his arms were still securely wrapped around my waist, my cheeks flamed with embarrassment, “Um Xavier, you can let go now.”

“Right sorry” he said, a tinge of pink rising in his cheeks as he let me go and backed away.

“No worries, I’m going to head to the bathroom to get ready, I’ll see you on the field” I said, grabbing my clothes and scurrying out of the room and away from the weird tension that seemed to fill the air.

God that was embarrassing, I thought as I headed towards the locker room. A few guys were putting on their cleats when I stumbled in, they stopped their conversation and looked up at me with wide eyes. Shrugging off their weird looks, I headed to a stall and began putting my clothes. My bandage had come loose when I was sleeping, so I tightened it back up securing my ‘girls.’

Satisfied, I headed out of the stall towards the sink to brush my teeth. The guys had since left, leaving me in the locker room by myself. Grabbing my toothbrush I slid on some toothpaste and began to rigorously brush my teeth. Lost in my thoughts, I caught my reflection in the mirror and spit out toothpaste all over the place.

Wiping off the mirror with some water, I took in my appearance again. I had huge bags under my eyes from my restless sleep last night and my hair was sticking up all over the place. I looked like Johnny Depp in Edward Scissorhands and let’s just say only Johnny could pull off that look. No wonder those guys were looking at me weird, I looked like I just walked out of a zombie movie. Pulling out a brush I began to tackle my knotted hair, I thought having short hair would mean I wouldn’t have to worry about bedhead, guess I was wrong.

I was almost done, when I heard a snap. The damn brush broke in my hair, “Stupid cheap Walmart hairbrush” I grumbled reaching up to pull the brush out of my hair.

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