Unrequited Love..is there any other kind

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Sorry, sorry, sorry for not uploading sooner! I got really busy the past week with work, that by the time I got home I had no energy whatsoever to write. I will try to make a deal with you all to try to upload at least once a week if not more. And holy cow thanks for all the reads, votes, and fanning. You guys are so sweet! This chapter is short but I figured it’s better than nothing, right?


When we reached the bottom I hopped down, suddenly nervous at their reactions. What if Sam made some wise crack or worst they both laughed at me? I could hear them bickering over some game they were playing on the Xbox as me and Charlie walked into the living room. Brent was facing my direction and noticing my presence looked up, his mouth dropping to the floor.

“What?” said Sam looking over at his shoulder at me. His expression was unreadable as he stared at me, I shifted nervously on the balls of my feet waiting for them to say something.

“Wow K, you look….awesome! Who knew you’d make such a hot guy!” Brent grinned.

Releasing the breath I didn’t know I was holding I looked back to Sam who was still sitting there staring at me. Wanting to break his trance, I walked over to him meeting his eyes, “Looks like I’m the one leaving you speechless now…”

Chapter 4

Sam’s mouth fell and for a brief second he seemed embarrassed before regaining his cocky demeanor, “What, no! You just look so much like a guy. I mean I knew you were always boyish but this is extreme!”

Charlie snorted behind me, mumbling “Uh huh, that’s why you were looking at her like you wanted to throw her over your shoulder and take her upstairs to have your way with her.”

Being the only one who heard, I started coughing trying to cover the laugh bursting out, turning back to Sam I said with the most angelic smile, “Could have fooled me player, you were practically drooling over my new look. Since you think I look so much like a guy, does this mean you’re playing for Charlie’s side now?”

Sam’s eyes flickered with anger, not wanting to hear his response, I turned on my heel and gave Charlie a high-five before heading towards the kitchen. Charlie winked at Sam mouthing the words “Call me” before following me. When we reached the kitchen I burst into laughter, clutching my stomach trying to catch my breath.

“Did you see his face, man that was priceless!” I blurted.

“I know! I thought I was going to have to jump in before he attacked you. And you know I don’t like to fight, I could break a nail” Charlie responded, staring at his perfectly manicured fingers.

“Don’t worry pretty boy, I could have taken him. And you mouthing call me, god he looked like one of those cartoon characters with steam coming out of their ears.”

“Haha, we do make the perfect tag team don’t we?”

“You know it sister!” I said smiling at Charlie, unexpectedly my stomach started growling.  

“Hungry much?” Charlie said while pushing me aside to raid my fridge.

“Always!” I said hopping up on the counter to get out of his way.

Charlie was an excellent cook, while I could barely make toast without burning it. Pulling out a bag of M&M’s I had stashed in my pocket I began popping them into my mouth as Charlie started to cook. Pulling some pasta and dumping some spaghetti sauce in a pan. Mhmm spaghetti, this boy knows me too well.

“You know sometimes I hate that you can eat whatever you want and not even get a pimple or gain a pound” Charlie said hitting me lightly on the head with a spatula as I stuffed five M&M‘s in my mouth at once.

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