Gay Besties Rock(pic of Charlie)

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“Thanks for all the help today Sam, same time tomorrow?” Brent said patting Sam on the back as we both reached him. 

“Sure bro, whatever you need” he said waving his hand dismissively.

“Great! I can’t wait” I chimed in, sarcasm dripping off each word.

“Don’t get sick of me too fast” Sam said raising his eyebrow.

“And why is that?” I said rolling my eyes at his mysteriousness.

“Don’t you know sweetheart, I’m going to camp with you.”


Chapter 3

I stood there, my mouth agape, staring back and forth between Brent and Sam. Why is the world trying to punish me?

“Wow Brent, do my ears deceive me or did I finally leave Kayli speechless?” Sam smirked nudging Brent’s shoulders.

Coming out of my reverie by his snarky comment, I whined “You’re coming to camp, but why?”

Sam chuckled, clearly amused at my little outburst, “Umm, in case you haven’t noticed your brother isn’t the only talented player at Ridgemont High, I got invited to the camp just like him.”

“But…but, how come I didn’t know?” I stammered.

“Kayli…I’ve told you numerous times, you must have blacked it out or done your whole selective hearing thing” Brent stated.

Damn, that must have been it! I was both blessed and cursed to have the ability to completely zone out anytime I wanted. Hearing Sam’s name mentioned in a sentence would have absolutely caused me to zone out.

“Ugh, but I don’t want to go to the camp with this stupid oaf!” I blurted out. I know I’m being childish but Sam just pushes my buttons, and not in a good way.

“The lady doth protest too much, methinks” Sam said, crossing his arms making his biceps bulge even more.

Seriously K, don’t let him catch you looking at his muscles or you’ll never live it down, I scolded at myself. I’m only human and the boy was hot, if only he wouldn’t open that stupid mouth of his, he would be the perfect male specimen. Suddenly images of Ryan Reynold’s character in Wolverine popped in my head, they found a way to shut his mouth maybe I could google how they did it? Aww, poor Ryan, he didn’t deserve that, I could listen to him speak all day, now Sam on the other hand…

“Earth to Kayli, is anyone in there?” Brent said snapping his fingers wildly in my face.

“Geez Brent, calm down I was just thinking” I huffed at a worried Brent.

“Yeah man, calm down. Your sister can’t help but daydream about me.” Sam said looking all kinds of smug.

I growled at him before turning on my heel and walking towards my car. There wasn’t anything I could do about the whole Sam situation so I would just have to suck it up and pray that I can avoid him most of the time at camp. After a few minutes, Brent came over to the car, ungraciously falling in. Hmm, maybe I should have helped him? Nah, he just sent me to hell and back today, let him suffer a little.

 I turned on the car and began backing up when I heard Sam shout, “What, no kiss goodbye?”

I shoved the gears into drive and slammed on the gas, “In you dreams a**hole!” flipping him off while I sped away.

Brent was snickering beside me, “What?” I said annoyed.

“You guys are hilarious, you’re so much alike it’s scary. If I didn’t know any better I would think you guy’s would be perfect for each other...” Brent mused.

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