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albicant- growing or becoming white

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albicant- growing or becoming white

Juniper's POV


My heels clicked as I walked to my desk. So, this is what it feels like to wear heels, powerful, uncomfortable, but powerful. I never wore heels to anything back home, mostly sandals.


I whips my head around to greet my boss's cold blue eyes, Frank Mullen the CEO of Crazi Sunglasses Inc. and one of the richest man in the world, slowly I turns around to walk towards the opened door in front of me. Frank motions for me to come inside, and quietly I do. He stands next to me, his posture looking like something Napoleon Bonaparte would have done.

I look around, analyzing the office, Frank's desk is in the middle with facing the door, two chairs in front of his desk along with a couch on the wall to my left and a bookshelf over on the right, and the view of New York is magnificent to see from wall made up of widows, it almost looks like an edited picture.

"You're the new marketing consultant, right?" His rough voice bellows, sounding a little harsh. His eyes connecting with mine as he spoke.

"Yes." Now he moves to sit in his desk shifting papers in neat little piles on his desk.

"Good well I need your help, you see my wife wants me to plan a, her word not mine, 'totally amazing date just for the two of us.' and I have no freaking clue what to do," he pauses making sure I understood, "and since you're a ... women," his eyes flashes to my breasts, I shift in the seat, "I was hoping that you can help me with my problem."

I bite the inside of my cheek and try not to make eye contact. Why did he want me to do this? I don't go on dates, I go on Netflix.


"Please call me Frank." He interrupts sliding back into his chair, his smile climbs his face as he takes me in, eyes glance to every part of my body, a shiver goes through my spine.

"Where was I... um... oh... I would love to but, don't you think that... maybe you should plan it because-" Frank cuts me off as he abruptly stands up.

"How about both of us plan it, you find the places and I'll see if me and my wife would like that, yeah?" his question sounding more like a statement as he grabs my arm and pulls me to the door, he stands far too close for my liking. Wanting to get out of his hold I pull my arm away, his hand now opening the door for me.

"Yeah that sounds great... um... what time?" I start tapping my fingers on my thigh.

"8 to tomorrow morning?"

"Yeah that's sounds good. Have a nice day Mr. Mul- Frank." And with that the door shuts in my face.

Jesus why did have to get the boss's attention? I don't want it. I don't need it. That's why I moved from Santa Monica to New York. I need to control my life, I need a new one. To not remember what happened to her. Now look at me, I'm planning a date for my creepy ass boss and his wife. It's okay Juniper just do it and he'll leave you alone. I try to calm myself down as I made my way back to my desk, for the second time, to start on my real job, marketing.

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