Chapter 9

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Mona' s p.o.v

I woke up with my body aching. I turned to my side and looked at the clock 11:46. Wow I slept for like... 16 hours but I don't want to get up. I'm staying in bed. Good thing I'm not hungry! I reached for the remote on the nightstand and switch the TV on. I put on the show " The Big Bang Theory", My door opener with Zayn walking in. chills ran down my spine.

" good morning" he said evily.

" good morning " I replied.

" turn the TV off " he demanded. I switch the TV off with the remote. He sat on my bed leaning in clothes. he place his hand or my bruise lip.

" does it hurt " he asked in a whining tune. I shook my head no. He pulled the sheet of my body. I really need to put a shirt on.

" Zayn um can we do this later I'm still in pain " I begged.

" who said I was going to do anything? " he smirked. I let out a sign of relief.

" but don't you dare think you're on touchable " he said putting his hand on my thigh. He lead in close so his hot breath was to my ear.

" Cuz I can touch you anywhere I want " he whispered in my ear. I bit the inner part of my bottom lip as he slowly pulled away.

" your breakfast is on the table, its 11:47 you should eat something " Zayn said walking too the doors.

" My stomach still hurts " I said.

" well who's fault is that " he said and with that he was already gone. oh thank God, I got off the bed and went to my bathroom . I need to shower, I striped my clothes off and get in the shower. I miss home, I miss my family, friend and my boyfriend, why can't they just let us leave. they can fuck each other for all I care. I step out the shower and put a towel around my body and stood in front of the mirror. I look so broken. I'm a dark caramel color because I'm mixed with Italian and black, I take after my dad when it comes to my eyes they are green / hazel, My hair is curly and short well past my shoulders but still short. I don't look like me anymore though. My eyes were lighter so was my hair now my hair is almost pitch black. I have a scratch on my face and a busted lip and bruises on my stomach. I picked up the toothpaste and brush my teeth. I walked out my bathroom then into my room. I put a bra and underwear on and looked at my body at the full length mirror. I did look beat up. I put gray shorts on and a black tank top. I slipped on some socks then sat on my bed. What if they never let me leave, I'll never get to see daylight again. I let out a long sigh as I heard someone scream my name.

" Mona " I ran to my door then opened it. What do they want from me now. Like give a girl a break.

" yes " I said.

" get your ass down here " it sounded like harry, what did i do now. I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen.

" what " I asked.

" knew it was work, now eat " he smirked.

" you called me to eat " I asked annoyed.

" yup " he said handing me plate with eggs and sausage.

" can I eat it later " I begged.

" no now or I'll punish you " he said evily.

" but my stomach hurts " I said.

" let me see " he said walking towards me. I sent my plate on the counter as Harry raised my shirt.

" does anything else hurt " he asked looking me in the eyes.

" um my head and my shoulder "I replied.

" Liam " harry screamed and Liam ran in the kitchen.

" what " he said looking for any sign of trouble.

" I think Mona might need medical help " harry said.

" what, way " Liam asked walking towards me.

" She won't eat cuz of her stomach and I think she has a concussion " harry said.

" Was it because of me " Liam asked sounding hurt.

" yeah " I whisper.

" mate we cant take her to the Hospital what are we going to do " Harry asked.

" I don't know, should we call Paul " Liam asked.

" yeah tell him to tell uncle si " Harry replied. With that Liam walk out .

" look baby you have to eat something " Harry said picking me up sitting me on the counter. He handed me the plate. I picked up a sausage then handed the plate back to Harry who raised and eyebrow at me.

" you said eat something, this is something "I said holding up the sausage.

" eat everything on this plate " he demanded. ugh!.

" I hate you " I mumbled.

" what " he said.

" Nothing "I said taking a bite out of the sausage. A few minutes later I finished most of it.

" Done " I shouted. Harry came in from the living room and took my plate.

" finally " he said putting it in the sink as Liam walked in.

" uncle si said he is sending over he mate from Red Cross " Liam Smiles. yea!! I have a chance to escape.

" oh no you don't " harry growled. did I really just say that out loud.

" if you dare say anything to this man we will kill him and leave you to die " Liam said. I don't want good people dying because Of something I did.

" I won't say anything " I said jumping from the counter.

" good girl " Harry says. I hate them all, well not Niall or Louis. I want in the living room and sat on the couch. I turned on the news to see they were still looking for us.

" A bar tender at " Hot Heat " where Mariah and Mona were last seen said Mariah was received a drink from a man, as we speak the bar Tender is giving us a description of the man. we will have that for you later tonight "

" YES " I screamed. I heard Liam and Harry coming in. I quickly changed the channel to criminal Mines.

" what going on " Liam asked.

" oh just a new episode of Criminal Minds comes on tonight " I smiled. just then the door bell ranged.

" I'll get it " niall shouted from upstairs. He ran downstairs and opened the door. A guy with a Medical uniforms walked in. OMG he is so cute! He had blue eyes with blonde hair that was up in a cliff. he smiled at me and made his way to me and sat on the couch next to me.

" what's your name " he asked

" Mona " I replied.

" What a beautiful name " he said .


I am so sorry I didn't update in a while but please



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