Body: Found

707 16 2

Special Agent, Timothy McGee

It was three o'clock in the afternoon, and sitting around doing nearly nothing at my desk was not the funnest thing to do. Just the usual bits of paperwork to go over, the old Tim would have been excited to do this. But that got me the name Probie. Before, Abby would have occasionally greeted me up here and gone over my work- her keen eye seeing no mistakes, which would, of course, make me happy. But she was up in North Carolina to check out new equipment the Forensics Lab would be ordering. She was coming back later, but the wait was half way to unbearable.

The rest of the day was still looking as bleak as now, until Gibbs stormed in. Tony looked up, his face worried as he quickly deleted the pages on his computer.

"Tony, eyes on the game." said Gibbs, who picked up the projector remote and turned it on. "Get you're jackets on, and McGee, pull up the maps."

I did as I was told, while Tony turned around and used two fingers to represent Gibbs line of vision from the elevator to his computer.

"DiNozzo, what are you doing?" Asked Gibbs, his face showing every sign of annoyance. As usual.

Tony jumped and turned around.

"N-Nothing." He spluttered, I held back a smirk. Tony just knew how to piss off Gibbs.

"Now, DiNozzo, you and I are going here-" Gibbs showed the location he asked me to zoom in on. "And Ziva, and McGee are going here." He pointed to the other building, which was small house with signs of use. Gibbs continued, "We're looking for David Leckly, I hope you remember; McGee?"

I quickly searched up the name and pulled up his driver's license. I remembered this guy. He was a suspect-

"A suspect for the Catherine Andrews murder. We're looking for him because he is, yet again, a suspect." said Gibbs. "But of the reason why a Naval Seal has been found dead on the coast of Las Vegas."

Senior Special Agent, Anthony DiNozzo

He was ugly, but yeah, I remembered him. I shoved my NCIS jacket on and threw the car keys at Gibbs, who caught them and pressed the button for the elevator. Finally, something to do around here. Probie was ignoring me, how do you make fun of someone who doesn't listen?

"Listen, DiNozzo. We need to make this quick. No firing unless you need to. Got it?" said Gibbs, gruffly.

"Yes, Boss." I replied, getting out of the elevator.


The drive was quiet, but as we got to the destination, Gibbs did his narrow eyed looking thing again.

"DiNozzo, go in through the back. I'll try the human way. Remember that this guy doesn't like being caught."

"Hence the two locations, Boss." I smiled, and got out of the car, walking at normal person speed. I climbed over the fence to the backyard, and looked through the window, eyes peeled. It was clear, so I tried the handle. Oddly, it unlocked straight away. As I opened the door, a strong and pungent smell reached my nose, making me gag.

"Ugh." I coughed, covering my mouth. I used my other hand to check round the corners with my gun, as I went into the rooms. The kitchen was empty, a loaf of stale bread was on the floor though. First sign of a crime scene: disgusting left out food.

I came out of the kitchen and into the hallway, the place was wrecked.

"Hello? Can you open the door?" Gibbs' voice echoed through the hallway. I listened for signs of anyone getting up to answer the door, after a minute I opened it myself.

"Hey, I think this place is empty." I said, as Gibbs walked inside.

"Have you checked upstairs yet?" He raised an eyebrow as I shook my head. He always thought I could clear a whole house in the time it took him to get from the car to the door. "Let's go then."

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