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The government always thought they were one step ahead of us. One step ahead of fate.
But they were wrong.

The government always believed that when twins are born one is good and one is evil but when one twin dies that the evil one will die instead of the good twin. That good always lives. That's where they are also wrong.
See, when one twin dies both traits evil and good are placed into the other twin to make up for the lose of the other one.

When Alex and her twin, Vanessa were born there was a problem with Vanessa's heart causing her to die in her mothers womb. When Alex came out of the womb, the government deemed her the good twin. Placing her in the territories at the age of 16. The territories are the place where the good twins go placed on the other side of the country far from the evil twins. The government did this because they strongly believed the evil twin would try and kill the good twin if they were  kept in the same place.

Where the good twins lived was a cheery place by the ocean and mountains. Lots of laughter, goodness and joy. Everybody was happy and had a place in the territories.

Where the evil twins lived was a dreadfully terrible place. Full of anger, greed, crimes and even murder. Everybody hated everybody. But the thing is nobody felt at home there. They always stood at the gate hoping and wishing for a better life then what they had. Because evil people aren't evil they are just people who were raised to believe evil was good.

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