Chapter 3

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Pic of Peter played by Robbie Kay
Maybe me dieing is closer then to me living. I don't know where I am. I am completely lost. At first I thought I was going north. Now I think I am going west. Out here it's like east is west and west is south. It's like one big circle. My bike is almost out of gas and soon I will have to start walking. My water supply is slimming down fast. I have enough food left to last me 3 days. But I don't know what I will after that. Maybe I should never have left the territories. My only chance at survival now is to make it to the colonies where the evil twins reside. I am about a 2 days walk away. But which direction do I go is now the question.

3 hours later.
I have left the road not on purpose but because the road ended. Just ahead of my is a city. It looks run down. The buildings have started to crumble and debris layers the ground. The sky scrapers are so big they just about reach the clouds. It looks like to been abandoned for years. I have to go though it. Going around would take to long and add extra days to my journey. I must keep going if I want to survive. I walk about 100 yards when all a sudden I can see dust flying up in the distance. I quickly run and take cover under some debris that have made a little cave. I plop down and wait. I hear an engine slowly getting louder. Soon I hear it drive by and soon I can't hear it anymore. I grab my knife out of my bag before I slowly crawl out. I turn to look around but then I am grabbed from behind. I quickly but carefully place my knife against their stomach so they can't feel it. I gasp when I feel sharp cold metal pressed against my throat.
"Who are u" says the person. The voice sounds manly. Not like someone who's 50 but like someone around my age. A boy.
"Alex" I say. Not trying to give away to much information.
"Last name?" He asks
"Don't have one".
"Aahh a twin". He says. "Obviously a good twin because an evil twin would have killed me already".
I hear laughing in the background.
"Who says I am a good twin" I laugh.
I nod down at his stomach. He slowly looks down and loosens his grip on my throat. That when I take advantage and turn around grab his neck and push him down to the ground. I quickly grab his hands. I still keep my knife pressed to his stomach. That's when I get a good look at him. Brown hair that has been lightened by the sun and bright green eyes. His ears are a little on the big side but his attractiveness keeps all focus away from that. He skinny but still musclier. He looks about 18.
"Well done" he says "I guess I was wrong about you".
"Yes yes you were. Now who are you" I ask??
"My name is Peter".
"Now what do you want" I ask??
"You are trespassing on our territory".
"Sorry but I am trying to make it to the colonies. I need provisions". I get off of him and let him up. That's when I take a look around and see two other people. One male and one female. Both about my age. The male has blonde hair and brown eyes. He looks to be about 6' ft. The female has brown hair and blue eyes. Then Peter starts talking again.
"It's been overtaken. The evil twins have officially overtaken the guards and now are preparing to take over the territories".
"So what are you doing about it" I asked.
"We are going to grab weapons".
"For what"?
"To end a war".

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