Chapter 5

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Pic of Kelly
I can't believe I didn't see that one coming. But what I want to know is why I have these mix feelings within me. They have to be wrong.
"Peter, if there is no such thing as evil twins then why do I have mix feelings. I feel like I am both evil and good" I asked Peter when we were both alone.
"Everybody has a evil and good part about them. They are constantly fighting to see who will take over. But the only thing that matters is who you let win that fight" Peter tells me.
"Thanks" I said.
"Your welcome. In the colonies we believe that people who were raised in the territories are kept from the truth and that's why they don't know much about them selves".
"That would make sense. Because while I was there I felt like everyday was the same routine and nothing ever changes that".
"Well that's all about to change" Peter said as he stood up.
With that he walked away. I sat there a while longer thinking over what I all found out today.
I stood up and walked towards the truck where Luke, Kelly and Peter were sitting making small talk.
"So instead of heading to the central city I think we need to go to the mountains" I told them.
"What?? Why?" Kelly asked.
"Because I have a gut feeling that something important to the rebellion is there and we need to get it" I said. I looked at Luke and he was staring into the distance towards the mountains.
"What do you think, Luke" I asked Luke?
"I agree with you.  Lately on the radio I have been getting static but now and then I hear a voice on the line. I hear them say mountain. I think going to the mountain is a priority".
"But it could totally throw us off course" Kelly complained.
Peter had been quiet during this whole thing.
"Peter, whatcha thinking" I asked.
"I think we should go. There was rumour around camp of a rebel group up there. I think they would have the weapons and gear we need"
"Whatever. I go where you guys go. But remember if You guys are wrong I am rubbing it in your faces" Kelly told us.

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