Chapter 6

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Over the next few hours we drive towards the mountains. As we got closer to the mountains it started to look like a wall more and more. If it was a wall, what was behind it?? Who was behind it?? Why was there a wall??
What would we find? As we got closer these questions just got more asked.
What we didn't realize is that when we figured out was behind the wall our lives would change forever.


I was finally able to fall asleep but it felt like I was living in hell and maybe I was.
"Mommy don't leave me". "It's okay baby you will be fine just hide here and don't come out whatever happens"
"Okay mommy". With that mommy closed the door behind her and locked it. All a sudden there was a smack and it looked like someone fell against the door. I curled up in a ball in the corner. Silently crying. Next thing I heard was a scream. Then, I heard the door handle rattle. The. For a few minutes it was quiet until I saw the wood crack. Then it cracked more until I saw the sharp part of an axe. Then a hand reached in the turned the door handle. The door slowly creaked open and I saw the shadow of a man with an axe. "Hello darling" he smiled.


"Alex wake up" someone shook me awake. I shot up and saw Peter shaking me awake. Luke and Kelly looked down at me with worry over Peters shoulder.
"What happened? Where are we?" I asked.
"We are here". Luke quietly told me.
I looked around me and all I saw was a big wall. A wall of stone. It was at least 50 ft high and who knows go far it goes. You couldn't see the end.
"So what do we do now" I asked.
"Now we look for an entrance" Peter said. As Peter said this I realized that he has the brightest green eyes I have ever seen. Then he looked back at me and we made eye contact. I excepted him to break it right away like he usually does but this time he held it.
"Mm guys" Kelly said.
"Ohh yeah" I coughed.
Peter stood up and reached his hand out to me. I grabbed it and in that moment I felt electricity run through my body and my heart miss a few beats. I quickly stood up and let go of his hand. When I dropped his hand a flash of sadness crossed his eyes before it was quickly gone.
"We should find away in" Peter told us.
We split directions. Luke and Kelly went east while Peter and I went west. "Be back here in half an hour" I told everybody.
With that we started on our trek. As we went along all there was was brick wall. No door, nothing. How do we get across?? After a little bit I started to hear noises almost like chanting. It sounded like they were saying "kill, kill".
"Peter, do you hear that"
"Yeah I do. Shhh"
With a loud bang, we heard the distinct sounds of gunshots. With that the sound quickly disappeared.
"What the hell was that" Peter asked me.
"I have no clue" I told him "let's head back and report to Luke and Kelly". Peter nodded his head with agreement and we started back.
After 20 minutes, we finally reached the truck.
"What took you guys so long" asked Kelly.
"Sorry, we ran into something weird" I said.
"Oh like what"? Asked Luke.
"About 20 minutes, down we heard chanting and then gunshots. We have no clue what happened" said Peter.
"That is strange" Kelly replied.
"Luke can you use the radio and try to reach the mountain. If you can hear voices on it maybe we can talk to the people inside" I asked Luke.
"Yeah sure I can try".
Luke turned and grabbed the radio and started to fiddle around with it to get it to work.
"The rest of us should get some sleep" Peter told us.
"Luke you got first watch. When your shift is over wake someone else up" I told him.
"Yes mam" he joked. I chuckled. With that I walked over to Peter who had laid down beside the truck and laid my head on his stomach. I looked up at him and he looked down at me and an unknown emotion crossed his face.
"Night and sweet dreams" he whispered.
"You too" I whispered back.
And I fell into darkness.

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