Chapter 7

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As the sun started to rise, I heard a loud noise in the distance. A loud constant roaring sound almost like an engine. I quickly shot up. I looked around and in the distance I could see a big cloud of dust. I got up and quickly shook everybody awake.
"What's going on" asked Luke.
"Someone's coming" I told him quickly "We need to go now".
"But what if they can give us information on the mountain" Kelly said.
"She's right" said Peter.
"But what if it's the government" I toldthem.
"Then we are already dead" Peter said.
"Alright let's stay but be ready to fight" I told them. We quickly got up, grabbed weapons and sat down at the back of the truck facing towards the cloud of dust coming towards us rather quickly. Finally a black SUV stopped in front of us and out stepped a bunch of men with black outfits and vests on.
"Who are you" they ask.
"Who are you" I ask them right back.
"Come with us now. It isn't safe out here" one off the men say.
"Fine" Luke says. We hop in the Vehicle. We were In that vehicle for about half an hour before we finally stopped. We were in the middle of nowhere still. We were still by the wall and the mountains but it looked just like where we had left. I watched one of the guys press a black button and the ground started to shake. Slowly I stopped seeing the sky and started to see the ground get closer and closer. The ground underneath us was moving downwards. 
"What's happening" Kelly shrieked.
"We are just going under into some underground tunnels" one of the guys in the front said.
I looked at Peter and his eyes were twinkling with interest. I wonder what he is thinking I thought. Soon the ground stopped shaking and we started driving again. I looked behind us and saw the ground start to move up. Soon the entrance was closed and all around us was black. After about 10 minutes, we stopped.
"Where are we" asked Luke.
"Here you are in headquarters".
"Headquarters for what" asked Peter.
"That you will soon be told".
We walked to an elevator climbed in and headed down more. We stopped right at the bottom. We are walked out and escort us down numerous hallways. I tried memorizing where we were just in case we had to make a break for it we knew where we were headed. We reached door and they escorted us inside. We turned around and they closed the door on is leaving us inside. I looked around and saw bunk beds and a bathroom.
"Might as well get comfortable. We are going to be here for awhile" I said as I sat in the closest bunk.
"What do you think they want" said Kelly.
"I don't think they want anything. I think they are trying to protect us from something" Peter told us.
"Protect us from what though" Luke asked.
"That we need to find out" Peter said. 
"Guys, I think this is a hospital of some sort" I told them.
"Why do you says that" asked Kelly.
"Did you not see all the rooms as we walked here. The people we passed in hall were in white outfits, the security guards and all the patient beds?"
"Maybe not quite that. Do you remember all the shouting from yesterday and the gunshots" Peter said.
"Yes" I replied.
"I think it's a hospital for insane people. In the halls I say a guy jump another one and try to bite him. They just shot him".
"I think you might be right" a voice from the door said.

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