Chapter 4

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After that day, I decided to join their organization. I agreed with them that we needed to end this but I didn't trust them just yet. Something was off about them. Like how they shared secret glances and whispered to each other when they thought I wasn't looking. But something was off with me too. A part of me wanted to stop this war and keep the government the way it is because that felt right. But another part of me wanted the war, wanted to destroy the government and society and have the evil twins rule the world. I don't know what's wrong with me but I can't tell the others about my doubts they might try to kill me.

Right now we are headed to the central city to gather the weapons to end the war of all wars.
"Are you sure we are going the right way" asked Kelly.
"Yes I am sure. Look in the distance you can see the top of the city towers. It's just over the next ridge" Peter said frustratedly. I looked in the distance but didn't see them.
"Ooh I see them now" Kelly says excitedly.
"Will you guys be quiet. There are Scouts everywhere" says Luke.
"Sorry" Kelly whispered.
I looked ahead for the city but I still did not see them out there. What the heck was going on?? What were they talking about?? I looked all around and nothing was in sight for miles. I could see mountains far in the distance that would take 2 days to get to on foot. All around us was desert. Sand. The sun had dried everything up. All my life I had been lied too. We were always told that the land outside the wall was beautiful with forests and lakes but we couldn't go outside because of the dangers out there but I guess the dangers aren't outside they were in the city right where our hearts were.
After a few hours, I started to get annoyed I couldn't see the city anywhere but they kept telling me it was there. Finally I had enough. I jumped out of the truck, grabbed my stuff and started walking towards the mountains. They hadn't seen me jump off due to the fact that I was sitting on the edge of the truck box. After about 20 minutes, I could see the truck coming back towards me in the distance but I kept walking towards the mountains. I knew it was a risk but I felt as if I needed to make it there to survive. A few minutes later, they pulled up in front of me and jumped out.
"What the hell are you doing" yelled Peter.
"We were worried about you" Kelly shouted.
"Tell me what is really going on" I ordered.
"What are u talking about" asked Peter??
" Don't lie to me. Why do u really want my help?? And what are u guys up too" I shouted.
"Just get it over with" Luke snapped at Peter.
"Fine. We are with the evil twins. We want to take over the world but only because we are misjudged. There is no such thing as evil and good twins" Peter said.
"We were always raised that we were born with twins but it's not true. We don't have twins. We never did. They wanted us to believe that we did so they  could separate the weak from the strong but the thing is that once you put the strong together they will rebel" Kelly told me.
"We are the rebels. The ones trying to destroy the system".

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