Chapter 2

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"HELP!! PLEASE. We need you. Help us. Your the only way".
I jerked awake. What the heck was that.  What was going on. That's the third time this week I have had that dream. It must mean something. Whatever I will think about this later. Today is the day I am going to escape. I turned and looked at the clock 7:00 am. The council would be calling a town meeting in half an hour. So I quickly stood up and took a shower.  I threw on my usual black clothes and army boots. I quickly grabbed my backpack full of my clothes, weapons and food. Then I sat and waited. At 7:20 am the town bell sounded off. I stood up and waited until everybody was gone. Normally at this time is when the gate is the most vulnerable. There are less guards around the gate and everybody in the watchtower is watching the meeting. So I quickly rushed out side and hopped on my motorcycle. I backed it out of the driveway and quickly drove to the gate that was 7 miles outside the city. When I was 1/2 a mile away from the gate I turned off my bike and walked it the rest of the way so none of the guards could hear the hum of the bike. The gate was a brick wall that went around the whole city for miles. It was at least 25 ft tall and 6 ft in length. In the middle was a large metal gate.As I reached the gate I saw one guard in my way. So I grabbed him and took the knife that was in my pocket and hit him over the head with the hilt. I grabbed his key card and ran it over the scanner. Once it opened I could hear an alarm start going off. This gate is never opened usually everybody is flown in so an alarm goes off to make sure nobody can leave. We were always told that on the other side of this gate that it was a barren wasteland. A dead zone. Nobody could survive out there. Well I was going to survive out there. I quickly got on my bike and zipped out of the gate. As soon as I got on the other side it was immediately windy and scorching hot. When I looked behind me that's when I realized that there was a bubble around the entire city. It controlled the weather and sky. I noticed this because on this side around the whole city it was a brown bubble. I looked and saw a whole herd of guards coming his way. I put my bike in gear and headed off. Off into the wilderness where I wasn't sure if I would live or die.

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