Chapter 8

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All four of us quickly turned around. In the doorway stood a lady who looked to be in her late 30's. She had short shoulder length hair with brown eyes. She looked about 5'5. When she talked she had a accent of some sort and I couldn't place my finger on it.
"Who the heck are you" I asked sternly.
"I should be the one asking that question. As you were the ones trespassing on private property" she said.
"Who cares about property when the world is in shambles" asked Kelly??
"Well our organization does"
"What organization" asked Peter.
"Come with me and that will all be explained".
With that the lady turned around and walked out the door. We looked at each other before deciding to follow her if we wanted to get answers.
"Who are you" I asked.
"All will be answered soon. Just be patient" she told me.
We continued down a system of hallways. Soon I was completely lost and it felt like we had been walking for hours. I hadn't seen anything except white walls for awhile. And I think I was starting to go insane. Soon we reached a metal door and she took a ID card out of her pocket and put it against a scanner. She pushed open the door and we walked through. Inside was an office. There was a large window that faced a large courtyard. We liked to be about 100 ft above it. There was a desk that face the door with its back against the window. There were doors on either side of the deal but the was all that was in the room. Nothing special. I looked out the window and if I looked closely I am pretty sure I could see swarms of people down below.
"What is that?? It looks like people" I asked her. Peter, Luke and Kelly rushed to look out the window.
"Ahh what are those" shrieked Kelly.
"My name is Katherine Smith. I run an organization that started up only 200 years ago in the year 2175. In the beginning we called this place district 75 but now after everything that has happened we are the district 75; world disaster system. DWDS. At the beginning we were trying to only find cures for people who went insane now we are just trying to keep them under control. That's what you see down below. Those are people.
"So you had nothing to do with the sun flares" Peter asked.
"No we didn't. That happened of its own accord. After the sun flares happened the government became corrupted. They started taking people and herding them into sections. You guys thought you were the only ones out there. You are wrong there at least a bunch more around the world. But for now you are the only ones in this country. But they are getting bigger and sooner or later all animals break out. The governments planning something big and we don't know what it is. What we do know is that long a.go there was a secret city built underground. Nobody knows where it is. You need to find it. The world rests on ur hands".
"Why" asked Kelly.
"Because like I said all animals escape and it's only a matter of time before all those people get out" Katherine said as she looked out the window down below. "And they will destroy everything and nobody will be able to stop them. They are getting more aggressive. Those shots you heard yesterday wasn't the first time. And they weren't even the guards. They killed my men, took their guns and started shooting. We finally got the guns back after some extermination. But when we went for the bodies of the guards there was nothing left except clothes. They ate them. They ate those men".

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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