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The princess descended a great stone staircase leading from the side of her castle into the royal garden. The short dress she wore while gardening would have been inappropriate for a woman such as herself in any other circumstance, but the walls surrounding the castle provided ample privacy. The gardens were her happy place. The plants expected nothing more than a light watering from her as they grew, smiling towards the sun.

Following the cobblestone path, she gathered her hefty watering can and made her way to the well at the center of the garden. She filled her can and set about her watering. Summer was the rainy season for her kingdom, so she found the task quite simple and relaxing.

Slowly, she made her way through the rows of flowers. Purple lilacs, blue irises, yellow sunflowers, orange marigolds, roses that need not be painted red; everything in full bloom thanks to her careful tending and weeding the previous spring.

As she walked, she found her eyes drooping as she got lost in the sweet, earthy scent of the blooms. A smile lazily slid onto her face.

The only break in this peace was when she finally had to return to the well to refill her empty can. As she lowered the pail, her eyes could not help but wander up to the castle towering overhead. All black stone and shining spires. The witch who once lived there was long gone by now, but her spirit lingered in the walls and under the floors. She was remembered in the shifting of shadows and the momentary flicker of the candle light.

The princess was glad the witch's darkness couldn't seem to infect the gardens. Perhaps the growing and thriving being done in the garden warded her away. Perhaps she could not infect such simple beauty as blossoming flowers.

Someday the princess hoped to fill the whole castle with the flowers she grew. Then maybe the residence and the kingdom could feel the peace she felt while tending the gardens.

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