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Not often do people look at a high school as a palace of young immortals. But, the halls are home to many of the same personalities. You've got Zeus, "Mr. Perfect," the one oblivious to his flaws, but loved by all manner of people. You've got Aphrodite; ready and willing to love and be loved but leaving a trail of broken hearts wherever she loves. You've got Apollo; the center of attention and talented star of the school. You've got Hades; hated by teachers, leader of the underdogs. There's Ares; the bully, looking for a fight but not one that can't be won. These and countless others roam the halls of educational institutes everywhere. 

While they may not be truly immortal or powerful, they share one vital similarity with the gods. They are imperfect. They make mistake after mistake after mistake, learning a lesson each time but not always heeding it in the future. Also like the gods, these mistakes create change. The gods created the natural world, the students create the very human world of the new generation, different from the last. They create a change of opinion, change of attitude. 

The kids themselves are not immortal, but a school is always accepting new young gods. 

There is a reason the complaint of "kids these days" is a constant among conversations of the older generation, regardless of the year. 

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