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She takes a deep breath. She leans forward, and then the precipice is falling away. She counts. One two three four. The ocean rises to engulf her and her eyes squeeze shut. The current tosses her this way and that without regard for the frailness of her body, the body she always hated, the body she will soon be leaving. A final wave breaks. Her bones break. It's over. 

Everything goes black and she loses all bearing, all sensation, all sense of the body she hates. For a long moment relief throbs through what she understands to be her soul. It worked. Escape at last after years of feeling disgusting, ugly, broken, wrong, wrong, wrong. The euphoria of this freedom has nearly lulled her to sleep when a speck appears in the blank slate of her vision. Just a little, pale speck. A crunching thud echoes through the void and the speck elongates into a crack, light spilling through blindingly. There are birds chirping somewhere. What's happening? She reaches out to the light, curious more than anything. A third crunch rings out and now everything is green. She sees nothing but green and sunlight so golden, surely it cant be real, but it is! Goodness, it is! Her vision adjusts and she sees a handsome bird looking down at her with more motherly love than she's seen in a long time. 

Slowly these memories fade and she's left with nothing but her mother's love and a new body covered in down. 

Weeks pass before she's ready to jump again. This time, she soars. 

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