Chapter 19: First Day Of College

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Jackson's POV:
I woke up to my alarm going off. I turned it off and sat up in the bed. I turned to look at Mark, but he wasn't there.

When I was about to get up, he came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist.

"Morning love," I said with a smile on my face. He just looked at me and went to the closet to grab his clothes.

That's a great way to start your first day of college, your boyfriend still pissed at you. I just sighed and hopped out of bed to go shower myself.

Once I was done I went back into our room to put on some clothes. When I walked in, Mark wasn't there. He probably went to go eat breakfast.

I put my clothes on and went back into the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my hair.

Once I was done, I went into the kitchen to make something to eat. As I walked to the kitchen, I could see Mark on the couch occupied with his phone.

I just lightly smiled at him. I miss his kisses and hugs. I miss hearing his voice, talking to me and seeing his smile. Hopefully he can get over this soon.

I went back to what I was doing and decided to make a smoothie for breakfast.

I gathered all I needed and started to put the stuff into the blender. When it was all in there I turned on the blender and waited until I was all blended.

When it looked like it was done, I turned it off and poured a cup for me and Mark. I cleaned the area and washed the blender before I grabbed our drinks and headed towards Mark.

When I got to him, I held the drink in front of him and put a smile on my face. He looked at me and grabbed the drink. He took a sip of it and set it down on the coffee table. I set mine down and sat next to him.

"Are you nervous? I know for sure I am," I said to him.

"Not really," he said. I just nodded at him and there was a silence between us again.

I looked over to see the time on the clock and noticed we had to get going.

"Hey, we need to get going," I said while I pointed at the clock. He looked at the clock and nodded his head. We both got up and grabbed our stuff before we left.

The drive there was silent, with only the radio playing quietly in the background.

We finally got to the college and I found a spot to park in. Once I parked, I turned the car off and started to get out.

When we both got out of the car, we grabbed our stuff and started to walk towards the campus. I tried to reach for Mark's hand, but he moved it. I just frowned at him.

Then we both stopped and looked at each other. "Well, this is where we go our separate ways. I'll see you later. Have a good day today," I said with a smile.

He just looked at me and nodded. I shrugged and leaned in to kiss his forehead. "Love you beautiful," I said before I walked away.

-classes are over-

Jackson's POV:
My first day was long and tiring, but it went okay. Business is definitely something. I'm not gonna lie, but it's kind of boring, but that's just how it is sometimes.

I texted Mark to meet me at this cafe within the college campus. Now I'm just sitting here, waiting for him to come.

After a few minutes, I finally see him and wave at him. He notices me and walks towards me. When he finally got to me, he took the seat across from me.

"Hey, beautiful. How was your first day?" I asked him.

"Good, a little tiring," he said.

"Yeah, I feel you. I'm pretty tired too," I said with a small chuckle. He just looked at me sternly.

"How was business?" He asked me with a devilish grin.

"Uh, it was good. I like it a lot," I said. He just rolled his eyes and went onto his phone.

"Okay, well let's get home. I'm starving," I said as I got up. He just nodded and followed behind me.

We finally got to the car and drove off. After awhile, we finally arrived home. I turned the car off and grabbed my stuff before Mark and I walked into our apartment.

I put the keys back and walked into our room to set my bag down while Mark went into the living room.

Once I was done, I went to the kitchen to go find something to eat. I decided to make some grilled cheeses for Mark and I.

Once I got those finished I made a couple of plates for Mark and I.

Once I was done with that, I went into the living room where Mark was watching T.V. I set his plate down in front of him and took a seat next to him. He turned the T.V off and looked at me.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Be honest with me, did you really like your business class today?" He asked.

"Yes, Mark I did," I said annoyed.

"Okay, well it didn't seem like it," he said.

"I mean, it was a little boring today, but that's because we did all the what to expect and what you need bullshit," I said.

"Okay," he said irritatedly. We just ate our meals in silence.

AN- Sorry it's so short and boring. Hopefully the next chapter is much better. Well, keep reading my loves and enjoy!

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