Chapter 18

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Sophia's POV

"Connor I thought you killed him" I say

"Yea me too" he said blanky staring at the wall.

"Trevor, tell me exactly what you know".

"I can't exactly do that Sophia I'm sorry." He walked out and I hear the door open.

What's happening..

"SOPHIA SOPHIA SOPHIA SOPHIA" Tyler runs in. His face is red and sweaty.

"TYLER TYLER TYLER what's wrong" I say

"I know everything." He says.

"Tyler please tell me"

"Okay come with me though" he dragged me downstairs and Connor tagged along. We walked out the door and started walking down the sidewalk towards Starbucks. Of course...

"So what's happening Ty"

"Okay here's what I heard and I swear that's this is all I know but I will try to find out more about it k?"

"Gotcha" Connors hand was in my mine now. I swear, even though he's not talking he's the most comforting now then ever.

"Okay so I heard that its your dad." He said.

"One step ahead. Trevor told me"

"Okay and he gathered a whole bunch of your friends to be like against you but.. The catch is.. He's paying them. Loads of money." He looked scared now

"Like how much?" Connor asked.

"Like $100,000 EACH" Tyler said.

"And how did he get all this money?" I asked

"He robbed a bank. What else?" he said.

"True, and what does he want to do to me?" I asked?

"Kill you" Tyler said.

"But why would my friends choose money over my life. There's something else to it"

"Well yea there is" Tyler said.

"Tyler" Connor and I say at the same time.

"Tyler please tell me" I broke down. I dropped to my knees and started crying.

"Okay okay.. fine so..."


A/N: DUN DUN DUN. Sorry for the super short chappie but I wanted to keep the suspense rising. :p

Thank You for the +250 reads!!






Yes I mean swag. Okay I'm too weird...


See you next weekend

I love you all

~Sophie 🐠

Feedback feedback feedback plz? Shmanks

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