Chapter 24

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Taylor's POV

I wake up to different surroundings. Where am I? I hear breathing. Help

"Taylor? you ok?"

Ohh it was only Sophie.

"Yeah I'm fine" I say

"Oh my gosh" she says

"What?" I reply. Did I do something?

"Nothing" what?! She can't just not tell me. Wtf

"Well now you have to tell me!" I say

"No I don't" she smiles.

"You will eventually"

"Smartass" she says and leaves the bed.

Sophie's POV

Okay okay I have to admit that I feel so guilty about the whole Connor thing cause I kinda just slept with someone else. But he slept with me right? No no no, it was my idea. What did I do?? poop

I also have to admit that I didn't hate doing that either. It felt natural. Perfect.

You know what? frick this. I'm showering

~after shower~

Today was the second day of Magcon and I think the boys wanted us to come with them again. I hear a knock at the door and expect Rachel to answer it because I'm only in a towel. Taylor left so he could get ready and honestly I have no idea where Carter is. He was here but now I just don't know. I go down to answer the door.

"Hey Soph" Taylor says

"Hey Taylor come in. I was just gonna get ready" I say.

"Wait before you do, put this on" he hands me a tye dye folded shirt. I unfold it to find that it says 'Taylor Caniff' with his face. He also hands me a tye dye bandana.

"You think I wanna wear your face?" I giggle

"Of course you do" he pulls me close.

"What if I don't?" he puts his face closer to mine.

"Oh but you will" his lips attach to mine and the firework show starts. He pulls away first.

"Go get ready now come down when you're done. You're gonna come with me today" he says

"Okayy. Ill just be a second" I run upstairs and put on shorts with fringe bottom cut, the shirt and my black vans. I straightened my hair and put my normal makeup on. I didn't know how to do the bandana so imma just ask Taylor to do it for me.

"IM READY" I scream through the house and I walk down the stairs.

"Where's the bandana?" Taylor asks

"In my hand. Can you put it on?" I ask

"Of course beautiful" Taylor says

I start blushing. Did he actually call me beautiful? That's adorable.

Taylor puts it on my head and we walk out the door not waiting for Carter and Rachel. I haven't even seen her since last night so I don't want to bother her.

We walk to the limo that Taylor had waiting. He drives us to the guys hotel. There is a crowd of girls outside and they all start screaming when we walk out. Taylor takes me by my hand and we go to the hotel. All the body guards keep the girls out. We walk to the elavator and go to the 20th floor, where all the boys are.

"Look Soph. I don't know if after today you would want to talk to me again so imma do it now."

He wraps his hands around my waist and kisses me hard. I snake my arms around his neck and he deepens the kiss. He backs me up to the wall and asks for entry. I accept. The door dings and we quickly pull away and smile at each other.

"Taylor why wouldn't I not wanna talk to you after that?" I ask

"You'll see" he smirks and keeps walking.

~at Magcon~

It's question time!!!

"Cameron, will you ever shave your head?" a girl asks

"Haha no" Cameron replies

"Nash, how tall are you?" another girl asks

"I'm actually 6 foot tall" he answers

"Taylor, you have a bæ?"

He doesn't answer the question but he just looks at me.

"Crushing" he replies after staring at me for a while.

I noticed that after a while Cameron and Taylor left. No where to be seen.

I just danced around with Mahogany and Hayes for the rest of the time. It was great. At around 11:00 Rachel and I head home. Well mostly I because she goes to the beach with carter. Probably to make out or something. Once I get to the front door Cameron is there with roses.

"Cameron?" I ask

He doesn't reply. Instead he hands me the roses with a note. The note reads:

Follow the rose petals

I smile and follow the petals into the house. The lead to another note that reads:


Then they lead into the elavator. There's another note that reads:


(Top floor)

I go to the top floor and the hot tub is bubbled up with rose petals.

Taylor walks out with a note that reads:


I go up to him and hug him.

"Will you?" he asks

I nod into his chest.

"Yes Taylor, I will."

I just have to tell Connor.


A/N: heheheheh






Thanks for all the reads guys!!

I love you all😘


Happy Easter!💐

(Ps. Sorry I didn't update yesterday. I wanted this chapter to be perfect)

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