Chapter 9~ With us or Against us?

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With us or Against us?

"With you, or against you?" Crystal repeated what was asked of her unsure of the sudden question, but also the sudden threat as well.

"Do I really need to repeat myself? Oh come it ruins the tense feeling as if we're threatening you if you don't join us, like we would kill you." Julia said annoyed as she tapped against the table from the failed attempt at the tense and scary atmosphere.

"Julia, this isn't some school play." Elijah explained to her, as her annoyance and anger grew more.

"Shut it Jumpy, How about you go outside this classroom and tap your foot or what have you need to do!" Julia yelled loudly, and pointed at the door.

"Alright, Teacher's pet" He insulted her back, as he walked toward the door only to get a pencil throw at him which gets zapped out of the air redirecting toward Crystal. Crystal slide to the other side avoiding the pencil by a split second.

"Just get out already, brat!" She yelled again attempting at another pencil as he opens the door and blocks it while it hits against the door. He mocked the last word brat which annoyed her more but he was already gone the moment she picked up her last pencil. She calmed down after a moment, looking down at the table as she planted the pencil back on to the table.

     "Ehm, sorry about that he can get on my nerves and it ends with me throwing stuff at him." Julia said calmly as she moved herself in front of the table leaning against the table when crossing her arms.
"So do you have you have an answer for me?"

     "No, why would I? You just asked me and I don't understand anything on what's going if I don't join you as well
as the reason I would join you." Crystal stated, as Julia grow impatient with her not answering.

    "Fine, then let us explain ourselves and what we are meant to do for everyone. Knowing two people can't keep a large area with towns and even the city in safe hands, which have so many dangers and Meta-Humans threats wondering about the streets." Julia began, clearly not finished but was still interrupted by Crystal questioning here.

      "Is that all? Is there any reason for why you want to keep people out of-" Crystal was interrupted for her question, which bothered Julia.

      "ShuSh, let me finish my own speech. I try to be superhero like but all I have going on is getting interrupted. Yes there is a reason why we do this, our central is to keep people from the suffering of pain and crimes, all of that away from there minds. As well as lessen the amount of meta-human activity happening by having less of the reason behind it just disappear." Julia paused for a moment, while Crystal had a fairly interested expression mainly on this reason behind the for the creation of meta-human raising all around the world. Julia caught on to Crystal interest and smiled at her, as she began to go back to talking.

      "I'll tell you the reason how meta-humans came to be when Elijah comes in. My drive for a new person is just the fact Elijah like to be a push-over and do everything himself which gets me so annoyed mainly from he suffers from a lot of health issues and mental issues. He's been in terrible shape because of all of those issues."  Julia glanced at the door making sure Elijah wasn't around to hear her worry for him.

      "If you can tell the dude as Electrokinesis, but it just you know extremely power and hard to control. You can honestly mistaken that dude for god from what he can do but he has some of the most heart wrenching problems, and issues. How he got his powers he from said to be dead by the time he made it to the hospital, well that's what everyone thought at the time. His family, me, everyone there thought he was gone for good when everyone left I was there, as the monitor went off so rapidly it seemed very frightening. It was so much happiness he was back but that brought more pain then I can know."

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