Chapter 4

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Alexandra's P.O.V
    Jake's "Fine, I'll show you around" basically meant "Follow me around while I point out stupid, unnecessary things". After a while of being shown the same rooms, John started talking to me.
    "So, uh, what school did you go to before?"
    I laughed. "I've actually been to a lot of schools. My dad is big in his business, so we move around a lot. The last school, though, was LakeWood High."
    His eyes widened. "LakeWood High?! Isn't that the school that is really hard to get into?!"
    "Yeah, the one and only." I laughed again. "Though I guess my dad helped me get a few scholarships."
    "But still! That school is really far from here! How'd you end up here?"
    I shrugged. Truth be told, I'm still wondering about that. Why would we move from a huge city to tiny town like this.
    "Hey, you two, you done? We've reached the Cafeteria!" Jake called, looking over his shoulder at us. Only then I realized how far behind John and I were. I blushed as I sped towards the door.
    As I entered the room, I was hit by the smell of something burning. I instantly wrinkled my nose at the stench. What did they sell here?
    I heard my name being called,  and I glanced around until I found a table of girls waving for me to join them. I remembered a few of them, because they helped me find my locker in the morning, but the rest left me clueless. They obviously wanted me to sit with them, but since I was nervous I turned to John.
    "H-Hey. I know that we just met, but I consider you as a friend. Would you—you know, sit at that table with me?"
    He smiled and nodded and followed me over. A couple of the girls frowned. "Isn't Jake going to join us too?" one of them asked.
    "Sure he is!" John said as he grabbed Jake's arm and pushed him into a seat. Jake glared at John, then sat quietly, eyes on the table. What had happened to the annoying, loud Jake? Why is he being so quiet?
    The girl sitting across from Jake crossed her arms and glared at him. There was something at the back of my mind, but I couldn't grasp it. I remembered the girl, though. It was Izzy, or Isabella Drew.
    Izzy was probably the most popular girl in the school. She was a tall, muscular girl with shiny brown hair. She had sweet brown eyes and always seemed to be smiling, unless you catch her in a bad mood. She is the leader of the cheer and gymnastics team. In other words, she was perfect and all the boys like her. So why is Jake acting like she's invisible? Why is Izzy frowning at him?
    The answer hit me as Izzy opened her mouth to speak. Izzy Drew was Jake's ex girlfriend, the one who was dumped harshly!

Hey guys! I finished another chapter(yay!) Anyways please comment! I have no clue at all if you guys LIKE this book or HATE this book! PLEASE TELL ME, I'M DESPERATE! Uh sorry... I'm kinda stressed with school right now, so I'm a bit crazy... Anyways, have a good day!

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