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I was sniffing up on the platform of my room. The stuff hamburger, as well as many stuffies, were around me. Someone knocked on the door.

"Angel baby, it's time to eat." Adam called.

I wiped my eyes and climbed down. I looked in the mirror and made sure to hide every evidence that I was crying before grabbing my phone. I opened the door and walked down to the dining room. Xavier looked up and scowled at me while Adam smiled at me, warmly.

"Sit down, sweetie." he said inviting me to sit.

I sat down far away from Xavier but two seats away from Adam. My food was placed in front of me. It was grilled chicken with green beans and carrots. I didn't feel like eating. Adam and Xavier were eating, quietly. I felt Xavier's angry gaze boring into my skull. I push my plate away from me and push back. I jump down and yes, I said jump. The seat's too high for me. Adam looked at me, worried.

"Why are you not eating, Angel?" he asked concerned.

"Not hungry, Mr. Coleman. Thanks for preparing the meal though." I murmured and rubbed my feet back and forth.

"You can just call me Adam or Daddy. The same goes to Xavier." Adam said smiling at me.

"Ok." I said and avoided Xavier's glare.

"Oh, just sit your ass down and eat! It's not like it's going to kill you!" Xavier snapped at me.

I flinched and looked down as tears prickle up in my eyes. "S-sorry. I'll j-j-just l-leave." I stuttered as tears dripped down my eyes. "I-I-I'm g-going o-out for a-a-awhile."

I spun on my heels and quickly walked out of the kitchen. I let out a sniff. I pulled out my phone and dialed Aiden's number.

"Hello?" Aiden said.

"Aiden...can you come to pick me up." I sniffed.

"Ok. I'll be there, girly. Wait 5 minutes outside." Aiden said worried and hung up.

I wiped my teary eyes and walked out of the mansion. Guards were everywhere. I walked out of the gate and walked to the bus stop. Aiden's motorcycle appeared. He jumps off and nearly trips over a rock. He opened his arms and I ran into them. I started to cry into his shirt.

"H-H-He hates m-me! X-Xavier h-hates me." I cried. "I-It h-hurts."

Aiden rubbed circles around my back. "I'm taking you back to my home."

I shook my head. "N-No. Can you please just let me ride with you on your motorcycle a bit?"

Aiden pursed his lips before handing me a helmet. I put it on. Aiden got on his motorcycle and I climbed on after him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he turned on the engine. The engine roared. Aiden spun around and raced off. Tears dripped down my eyes, silently. I started to feel better. I looked up and took off the helmet. My long blonde hair fluttered against the wind. Aiden glanced back and grinned at me.

"Ready to go back to hell?" he joked.

I nodded. "Take me back, demon!" I joked.

"Demon?! Who the hell are you calling 'demon'?!" Aiden shouted but he was smiling.

I laughed. Aiden took me back to my new home or mansion. The gates opened allowing both of us in. Aiden jumps off his motorcycle and helped me down. Aiden and I laughed as he started to joke around. We both walked in. Xavier and Adam were in the living room, doing some kind of paperwork. I squealed when Aiden started to tickle my sides catching the brothers' attention. Xavier scowled while Adam scowled at Aiden.

"Would you two please shut up?! And you Angel, please go to your room! I can't bear to see you in front of my eyes!" Xavier spat harshly at me.

I immediately stop laughing and tears well up to my eyes. My bottom lip wobbled. That was painful. Aiden growled, darkly at Xavier who glared daggers at him.

"Angel....why didn't you let me take you back to my home to sleep when this dick is hurting your feelings? And the other dick didn't do anything?" Aiden asked me calmly as his fists shook with anger.

I whimpered. Xavier looked at me with guilt until it turned into a hard look.

"What are you standing there for, crying like a baby?! Get out of my sights or else!" Xavier shouted at me.

That did it. I started to cry and run up to my room while Aiden was shouting furiously at Xavier and Adam. I closed the door to my room and grabbed my pillow. I pressed my face on the pillow and sobbed.

"Angie? Where are you, girly? Damn this house.... those dicks. I'm lost." he cussed.

I got up and opened the door. Aiden walked in. He slammed the door shut, locking it. He grabbed the pillow out of my grip and tossed it aside. Aiden hugged me. I cried into his chest while Aiden cursed the brothers. My small body shook with sobs in his arms. I heard a roar and a loud crash downstairs but I don't care anymore. It hurts too much.

"I'm staying here for the night." he announced.

"And I don't give a single shit about them." he added when I was about to open my mouth. "Go take a bath. I'll call the others to let em' know about this."

I sniffed and nodded. I grabbed my night clothes and walked to my bathroom. I closed the door and filled the tub with warm water. I wanted a bubble bath. I quickly put in one of the pretty pink bubble bombs and waited for it to foam. I giggled and poked at the bubbles before climbing in. The pink bubbles covered my whole body making me forget about the scars. I washed and pour water over my head. I quickly finished up and got out of the tub. I wrapped a towel around my body before slipping my clothes on. I dry my hair and walked out. Aiden was reading one of my books. He looked up and grinned at me.

"Cute. Let's get some cookies. I'm hungry." Aiden said.

"Me too." I giggled.

We both walked down to the kitchen. I looked around to make sure that Adam and Xavier weren't around before going to the kitchen. Aiden and I grabbed some cookies and munched on them. His phone rang and he picked it up. He talked a bit before frowning and hanging up.

"Mom wants me home...guess you're on your own tonight, girly. Sorry." Aiden said and kissed my forehead. "Night."

I sighed and hugged him. "Night."

I showed him out and he left. I watched as he sped off and closed the door. I sighed and locked it. I heard footsteps and turned around to meet Xavier's cold, navy blue eyes. His eyes darken as his eyes trailed down my body. I started to feel uncomfortable. I shuffled my feet back and forth. I looked away while Xavier continued to stare at me. I walked past him, making sure not to touch him and quickly walk up to my room. Again, I heard footsteps behind me. I looked over my shoulders to see Xavier following me. I gulped and walked into my room. I closed the door, gently and crawled into my bed. I grabbed my flashlight and stuff it under my pillow. I have a huge fear of the dark. I laid down in my bed and closed the curtains. I wanted to leave it open since the moon and stars will keep the dark away but it's cold. I shivered and pulled the blanket over my body. I hugged the stuff hamburger and fell asleep.

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