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My eyes shot up. I looked around and noticed how really dark it is! I quickly opened the curtains to see a dark and cloudy night sky. I whimpered at the dark. I closed the curtains and grabbed my flashlight. I put on my fuzzy pale pink slippers. I turned on the flashlight and grabbed my stuff hamburger. I was shaking as I walked out of my room. I tried looking for Adam's room but there's no dang nabbit sign! I hope I get his room rather than Xavier. Thinking about him and his harsh words made me shudder. I opened the door and looked around the dark room. I walked in, nervously. I flashed my light around the room and walked towards the huge bed. The bed was pretty high for me. I mean come on! How big is this?! I checked my measurement on the bed and noticed that it's 4'7. Two huge mattresses. Dang it! I whimpered as my life saver, aka my trusty flashlight, is about to run out of batteries. I gotta act quick! I tugged on the blanket lightly. I heard a groan and a shuffle. I suck in my breath and tried to peek to see who it is. I tugged on the pillow this time. I heard a growl and the lump shot up.

"What?!" he snapped.

I jumped and shine my dim flashlight on the lump. I turned pale. Xavier. He glared at me, sleepily.

"What do you want?" he growled.

"N-Nothing!" I squeaked. "S-Sorry to d-disturb your s-s-sleep!"

My small legs ran out of the room, frightened. "Wait!"

I ignored it and ran down the hallway. I need to replace some batteries in this flashlight. I continued to run and being the klutz I am, I tripped.

"Oof! Owie." I sniffed and rubbed my head.

I heard footsteps running towards me. "Are you ok?" Xavier asked me, concerned.

I shrank away from his hand, frighten. Xavier looks guilty. I sniffed and buried my face in my arms, shaking. I felt my body being lifted up. I peeked a bit to see Xavier. I was surprised, of course. I expected him to just leave me here. He carried me back to his room and closed the door. He placed me in his bed and tucked the blanket for me. He climbed in and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me close. I turned red when my face lightly touches his bare chest. I heard his breathing starting to slow down into soft snores. I giggled, quietly before falling asleep.

(The Next Morning)

"Angel?! Baby girl?! Sweetie! Where are you?!"

Xavier growled. "Shut up, Adam! Some of us are trying to sleep on a Saturday!" he shouted.

I was snoring, softly. The door banged open, startling me from my sleep. I let out a squeak as I fell off and landed on the thankfully, soft carpet. My butt made a soft 'thump' sound. Adam was fuming at Xavier who peers over his bed at me, amused.

"What did you do, Xavier?" Adam growled as his fists shook with anger.

"He slept with me." I said.

Xavier's eyes widen while Adam looked like he wanted to blow.

"XAVIER!" Adam roared and started to attack Xavier.

"Wait! I didn't fuck her!" Xavier shouted, panicking.

"No cussing!" I shouted, furiously.

"We were only sleeping not f- I mean doing 'it'!" Xavier shouted.

"How is sleeping related to 'it'? What is 'it'?" I asked with my eyes wide.

Adam and Xavier stopped. They looked at me then at each other. Realization snapped in their eyes. They looked at my big, innocent, green eyes with their dark blue eyes. Even Xavier has them! Surprise, surprise. I hugged my stuff hamburger to my small body with my dead flashlight in my left hand.

"Innocent. She's fucking innocent." Xavier said as he got off the bed.

Adam picked me up. "She's like a 5-year-old too. Well...rarely acts like one." Adam said as he bounced me.

I giggled and hugged my stuff hamburger tighter. He placed me down and I ran out of the room. I ran to my room and put my flashlight away. I climbed up to the top and placed my stuff hamburger on the side. I climbed down and skip to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and brush my hair. I held the pale pink bath bomb in my hand and thought for awhile. Should I take a bath or not... The door open and someone gasped. I flinched and turned around to see the twins staring at me and the bath bomb. I blushed and tossed it in the basket, pushing it out of view. I didn't have a good childhood so I wanted to act like a little girl even though I'm 17.

"You were not supposed to see that at all." I muttered and looked down, shyly.

I heard footsteps walking towards me. A pair of fingers lifted my face up. I was met with Adam's soft eyes.

"We won't judge you at all. We- well...I want you to stay here. I will do everything to make sure that you have a comfortable living." Adam said kindly.

I blushed. "O-Ok, Mr- I mean Adam!" I blurted out and turned red again.

Adam smiled warmly at me. "Would you like me to treat you like a little girl? You can tell me now or later."

I thought for a minute. If I accepted the request then I would get to experience what's it's like to be like a child. If I don't, I would be just normal. I looked at Xavier, hesitated. I also wanted Xavier to accept me and take care of me with Adam. I looked at Adam and nodded slowly. Adam grinned widely. He hugged me and cooed at me. He looked over at Xavier.

"Wanna join in or what?" Adam asked raising his perfectly, arched eyebrows.

Xavier hesitated. "Fine, but there are going to be some rules."

I looked a bit nervous. Rules?! "You need to sign the papers to show that you agree to them." Adam said as he held me.

We were all in the office. Xavier slid the paper over to me. I picked it up and read it.

1. You can only call us Daddy
2. Always respect yourself and your Daddies
3. Bedtime is at 9 pm
4. Listen to Daddies
5. Be polite to everyone
6. Always ask Daddies what you want or need
7. Don't be a brat
8. No cussing
If failed to follow the rules, you will be punished.


I glanced up and held my hand out. Xavier handed me the pen and I quickly signed the paper. I pushed it towards them. Adam smiled while Xavier grinned as he put the paper away. I held up my finger.

"If you plan to this stuff, I want to take a bath by myself." I said.

The twins nodded, agreeing with me. I smiled childishly. "I hope we can be closer together, Daddies." I said while testing out the new word.

Adam and Xavier both smile at me. This might be an interesting year.

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