Dylan McCoy

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Name: Dylan McCoy (Sometimes Ethan)
His mother named him Dylan because she used to have a friend who's brother's name was Dylan and she really liked the name ever since.

Gender: Male

Age: 21
(depends on which roleplay)

Nationality: American

Place of birth: New York City

Sexuality: Straight

Occupation: Guitarist in a band

Appearance: Tim Borrman (see on the right)

Dylan looks exacty like Tim Borrman, he is only a little more muscular. His hair lightens up a little in the summer and he has a tattoo in the inside of his right arm which are two birds. It stands for his parents, two lovebirds being free and in the sky looking over him. His sister came up with the idea and she has the same tattoo at the same spot. Dylan has no piercings as he finds them weird. He normally wears some tight jeans with a cool top and some sneakers from Nike, his boots or his Timbalands.

Talent: Playing tennis and soccer, mathematics, playing guitar

Studies: International Marketing

Dylan does not have that much hobbies as he dislikes things a lot. He does like playing soccer although he isn't in a team anymore. He is pretty good at it and if he was serious about it he could be playing very high. He likes listening to old bands, watch sports and play on his guitar.

Not good in:
Dylan is very bad at being nice to people. He doesn't care if people find him rude so he doesn't want to change is attitude either. Besides this Dylan is not good in bed as a few girls say... Though he says he is.

Dylan is a really rude guy, he doesn't care for girls's feelings when he messes with them, he doesn't like to show the real him. If he suddenly does, he goes back to be mean again. People call him a dick a lot, but he likes that. He always has something rude to say and he just doesn't care if you don't like that.

Dylan lived with his parents for a long time when they both died in a car accident. He was forced to live with his aunt and when he was 18 he immediately started to live on his own. With not having a full time job it was hard and it is still hard for him to pay his bills.

What he likes in girls:
He likes it when girls are short because he thinks they look cute. He doesn't date, but if he was searching for some one it would have been a girl who is daring and not shy. He likes it when girls test him and are a little hard to get. He searches for a girl who is easy going and doesn't yell at him when he hangs with other girls.

Dylan dislikes clingy girls who are sticking up on him all the time. He also dislikes drama because he just gets annoyed and angry from it. He also dislikes spicy food.

Fears: To be left alone

Languages he speaks: Able to speak English, French and Dutch.

Love history:
Many many hook ups he doesn't know the name of and has had three serious relationships in the past. The first one, Emily was a total bitch and hurt him by cheating on him. He was 18 back then and he really loved the girl. The second girl, Rose, was a total party animal just like him and they fit really well. They ended up somehow being friends with benefits instead of a real relationship and they broke up when she left the country. The last one, Cassie he broke up with because he cheated on her.

Ronna Smith-McCoy (mother, died)
Kai McCoy (father, died)
Daliey McCoy (sister)
Astrid McCoy (aunt)
Stephen McCoy (uncle)
Hunter McCoy (cousin)

New York:
Kyona, Luke, Jake, Gwen, Neil, Matt, Jenna and Rose

Kara, Darren, Zack, Chase, Chad, Wyn, India, Brett etc.

Ex's and hook ups:
Ex's: Emily, Rose and Cassie
Hook ups: A lot he doesn't know the name of, Jenna, Kara, Wyn and India.

Explanation of the song: 
Reflects what Dylan was like in the years after his parents died. It explains the effect the crash had on his life later: him treating people like shit, hooking up with different girls and his drug abuse. 

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