Dear Diary

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Gigi's p.o.v

Dear diary,

right now i'm on the plane going to a much calmer city than my old hometown,Texas. I can already picture my new life there,the new begining ive always wanted.

I can feel it deep inside , that its going to be way more different than my old life,i can feel the excitment rushing over me as there is still just an hour before the landing. There will be new faces,new backgrounds and stories,and thats exactly what i need.

A runaway from a past thats gone horribly wrong.

I hope during these few months before college,that i'm able to find myself and find the things about me that highschool didnt give me the chance to.i hope its going to turn out as good as ive been picturing it ever since i was sixteen.

I hope for the bad memories to go away and i hope i'll be able to forgive myself for the things ive done to other people and to me.I can hope that i'm going to build myself so strongly,that college wouldnt tear me down so terribly.

I know i can do it,i feel it in my bones. I'm going to love whoever and whatever i turn out to be.

Dear diary, i hope the next time we speak, you'll be written by a better me.

I closed my little black diary, as a grin grew on my face widely, i stared out of the plane window and saw the old villages and the houses. A warm feeling hit my body when i realised that nobody here knows me.

Im just a stranger to them, im not someone they've heard a lot about or someone thats been labeled as a name accross town, im a stranger that is here to make memories that they'll be apart of.

Im here to make my own story, once that im finally going to be proud of. Im here for a change, and im sure these people are the change that i definetly need.


"How much?" I asked the cab, as i made my way out of the car. "That would be 8$" he answered with a smile that somehow warmed my heart. I handed him the money then grabbed my suit cases.

I stood in front of a beautiful house,with many trees surrounding it. Ive actually bought this house online, the perks of having a rich step-dad right?

I smiled as i put the security password and headed inside unlocking the front door

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I smiled as i put the security password and headed inside unlocking the front door . The house was truely comforting and lovely. I made my way upstairs choosing the biggest room, and threw myself on the bed.

Texas seemed already like the city of my dreams, it was calm, the nature around seemed so relaxing and the people seemed so simple and friendly.

I took out my phone,as i pulled my hair up in a ponytail and started putting my clothes in the wardrobe. I just realised how many clothes i've got that i really dont wear anymore.

I dont even know how i used to wear these things.

I shook the thoughts off and reminded myself that im here to forget all these things. I huffed as i realised i still have so much fixing to do.

I grabbed my phone and called the man who owns the truck that has the rest of my stuff, i wanted to get the organization done today so i can get out tomorrow.

I layed down on my bed,closing my eyes for a while because i was really tired of all the traveling.


I think i've slept for like an hour or two, because when i woke up it was getting dark. I rubbed my eyes and got off my bed realising there was a knock at my door

I jumped downstairs,fixing my clothes and opened the door to be met with many boxes,which meant my truck was here.

I squealed happily and bent down to lift up these boxes,though they were heavy but its not like i could leave them here like that. I arched my back in pain,before bending down to pick up the next box.

"Zayn get your ass down!" I heard a woman scream from next door, i softly giggled knowing that this zayn is probably a lazy 7 year-old. I threw the second box inside my living room and then headed outside to pick up the rest.

"Hey sweetheart" the same woman came and stood in front of me. I tlited my head up and stared at her, noticing how beautiful she looked.

She's probably a woman in her late thirties, her black hair fitting perfectly onto her shoulders. She was truely stunning

"Oh hello" i got up,leaving the box on the floor and gave out my hand to shake hers. "Im Trisha Malik, and i can tell you're our new neighboor" she sotfly smiled,putting her other hand on top of our hand shake.

"Oh nice to meet you, im gigi hadid" i smiled back at her,feeling really happy to be meeting new people, people who dont seem disgusted when they hear my name.

God that feels good

"Well gigi, how about you leave these boxes here and let my boy help you out?" I grinned, knowing that 'zayn' she was calling is definetly not a 7 year-old now. "No its fine really, thank you though" i appreciated that she offered to help,but im okay really.

"No dear-ZAYN WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU" she shouted, turning to the side as she put both her hands on her waist. "Alright alright" i saw a tall figure come in our way, though its dark i cant really tell his curves and his face figures.

"Help out our beautiful new neighboor move her stuff in" she pointed at me, as zayn came in the light a little and god he was gorgeous.

His black eyes were reflecting a small light , as a strand of his hair softly fell to his forehead. He had pinkish soft lips and a beard that fit them perfectly

"No, like i said its fine really. Thank you" i didnt want to get help,especially by a hunk like him cause i obviously dont want to end up thinking about him at night. God who wouldnt, hes a goddess.

"Okay" zayn simply shrugged and turned around, ready to walk away. However, his mom grabbed his forearm and pulled him back into the scene. "Please we insist" trisha pleaded and i knew that she wouldnt take no for an answer.

I nodded my head, as zayn rolled his eyes and picked up two boxes, above eachother and started heading inside. "Thank you trisha" i gave her one last smile before i followed zayn with the last two boxes remaining

"Thank you for that" i crossed my arms around my chest, watching him as he admired my living room. "Yeah whatever" he pulled a hand through his hair, and started heading outside.

I noticed that trisha was still outside her house, looking at zayn who was heading towards her. I waved at her, which she happily replied to with a wave back.

"Come over for a 'welcome' dinner at the maliks!" She shouted from her door, "i would love to!" I shouted back before closing the door and smiling to myself.

"Come over for a 'welcome' dinner at the maliks!" She shouted from her door, "i would love to!" I shouted back before closing the door and smiling to myself

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Well interesting first day.

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