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Gigi's p.o.v

Today was such a peaceful bright day, i woke up earlier for a jog and here i am now at the one place i never thought i'd come to; the public library

I admit it seems so silly what im saying, but trust me if you had known me a year ago, you'd know what im talking about. I admit i always wanted to go inside a library, and just read a book peacefully. But i was so into my 'reputation' that i didnt risk it.

When i finally realised that this 'reputation' isnt as relevant as i thought it was, it was too late for me to go to the school library.

Now here am i, walking between these book shelves feeling like i own the world, as if im the happiest person on earth now. Theres something about the way books make me feel warm, being in the library feels like home.

Being surrounded with all these books, all these stories, i wonder if one day i'll be more than a story on the shelf. All these books are just there, wanting someone to read them, indulge in their stories and heroes.

The hardest thing was to decide which book should i get for today, it was like choosing a story for me to fall in love with, and i wanted to fall in love with stories.

A smile creeped its way on my lips as ny hands made their way to 'Alice In Wonderland' . I gotta say ive loved all the movies made for this book, but ive never really read the book before.

"Thats a great book" i suddenly heard someone speak, i turned around to be met with an awesome pair of blue eyes, a short wavey blonde hair and red lipstick. "Yeah? Im kinda hesitated" i simply said with a shrug, as she took a step closer to me

"Well dont. Trust me, this book is really great, after you read it you wont even want to watch the movie. Its so perfect, so complete" she smiled placing a hand on the book. I adored how cute she looked, and how excited she seemed to be talking about the book

I wish ive found it cute back in my high school days, i wish i didnt make fun of people who are like this girl here. I wish i didnt tell them they're boring and not good enough. I wish i havent told them they cant love things they love.

"Sorry for rambling. Anyways its a good book dont hesitate" she put a strand behind her ear, and walked away from me. I pulled the book closer to my chest, as i happily walked to a table and sat down


I walked out of the library as the excitment washed over me, wanting to read more of the book. I fell in love with the way everything's detailed, the way you're free to imagine the hero the way you want him to be. I fell in love with the way words flow into my memory and i imagine the scene right in front of my eyes.

"Gigi hadid" i stopped mid-way once i heard zayn's voice. I rolled my eyes and turned around to see him looking at me with confusion. "Zayn fucklik" i mentally laughed at the name i just gave him, its silly but funny. Right?

"Anyways" he awkwardly laughed, approaching me. "You confuse me hadid" he crossed his arms around his chest, lifting his jawline a little higher

"Add that to the lists that confuse you. Why should I bother?" I raised my eyebrow at him, im so tired of this kind of guys. They're all the same, i wish i had paid attention to guys that werent jerks and fuckboys back in highschool. Maybe i'd really be more experienced with love and all.

"So let me get this straight, you seem really cool and chill then i find you suddenly at the library" he stared at me with his eyebrows furrowned. "So cool doesnt go with smart? No wonder you're the coolest guy here" i devilishly smirked, trying my best to keep my savage down, my inner bitch long dead. But theres something i miss being the bitch in highschool ; dealing with manwhores

"I'll take that as a conpliment" he winked, as he put his hands on my shoulders, smiling stupidly at me. "You kept my secret, why is that hadid?" He wiggled his eyebrow at me, mentionning the secret ive been keeping for him for a while now

"Im not here to cause anyone trouble or drama. Its your life, and as long as im not woken up hearing loud 'daddys' and moans, its not my business" i honestly answered, pointing out the fact that im not here to cause any drama or leave any mark

"You're such a mystery hadid" he let go of my shoulders, turning around as his back was now facing me. "Theres nothing i love more than mysteries" he whispered, loud enough for me to hear before he walked away


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