I Met The Maliks

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Gigi's p.o.v

"Hello" trisha sweetily greeted me as i made my way into their big house , offering them some flowers for their nice gesture. "Hello thanks for having me" i smiled as i sat down where she was pointing at.

"Our pleasure dear, right zayn?" She stopped and looked around, groaning. She seemed pissed. "Zayn!" She yelled for him, so loud that i litterally heard something break upstairs. "Get the fuck down!"

I turned to the side giggling, she was treating him like a 7 year-old and to my surprise, he wasnt being disrespectful to her, hes actually doing what she says. Its very rare to find a guy thats willing to love and respect their mom nowadays. Wish i was one of them

"Gigi?" I saw trisha wave her hand in front of my face, meaning i zoomed out. "Sorry, you were saying?" I bit my lower lip nervously. "Dont mind dear" she shook her head with a smile as she headed towards the kitchen

"Would you need help?" I followed her into the kitchen, standing near her behind the counter. "No my dea-" before she continued, i let out a scream and jumped on the kitchen counter

"What is it??" She looked at me concerned as i placed my hand on my mouth, holding in another scream. "T-theres a dog" i pointed out shakingly.
Actually, ive always been so scared of dogs, maybe it was just my ex's dog thats harsh but now im scared of all dogs. Oh i dont ever want to mention that incident again

"Ohh" she laughed, covering her mouth before she took out her hand for me to take. "Its okay he doesnt bite" she chuckled, as i shook my head and sat sternly too scared to move

Zayn suddenly walked inside the kitchen, casually lifting up the dog and taking it in his hands, placing some kisses on him. He suddenly noticed where i was sitting and noticed the way i was looking at the dog

"Oh you're scared of dogs?" He smirked, slowly walking towards me with the dog in his hand. I tightened my grip on Trisha's hand as my eyes went wide. He was now standing in front of me, leaning the dog closer

"Zayn please shes a guest!" Trisha stood in between him and i, i let out a sigh of relief mentally thanking her. "I just want rhino to make friends mom" his grin grew wide as he lifted up the dog and carefully threw it my way.

I let go of Trisha's hand and jumped off the counter and ran to the living room. I placed my hand on my heart, thanking god i was still alive. But still embarrassed of the way i reacted.

Trisha came inside the living room, taking me in her arms and calming me down. This is a serious deal zayn cant relate

"Im so sorry sweetheart, zayn can be very childish sometimes" she spoke with an appologetic look

Yeah that asshole cant control his stupid childish hormones

Calm down gigi, remember your purpose, you're here to change, the way you think, the way you see life. To change you.

"Im sorry too for the way i reacted it was so wrong" we sat down on the table, a familiar beautiful scent filled my nose, realising that she made sushi

"Is that homemade sushi?" My smile grew wide as i stared at the silver cap on the place, not able to wait longer so i can see the food.  "Yes i hope you like it" she nodded her head, handing me some sticks

"I love it, and since its homemade, its even better" i stated, taking a mouthful of it , and approving of what i had just said. It was truely delicious

"So gigi tell us about yourself" soon zayn joined us, sitting by his mother's side. "Um can you be more specific?" I chewed on the inside of my cheek, really not a fan of the question. I mean who am i?

I dont know if i enjoy hurting people or enjoy making people smile, i dont know if i like sleeping around anymore, i dont know if i like being the bitch anymore. I dont know myself

"Like what do you plan on doing in the future?" She asked, it took me a moment before i thought of my answer. "I got accepted in Yale, i'll be majoring in criminal psychology" i affirmed

"Oh how sweet! and what a coincidence, zayn also applied to Yale, we're still waiting for a response though. Right sweety?" We both turned to look at him, but he didnt seem interested at all in our conversation as he was texting someone with his phone

"What?" He looked at his mom confused, he avoided eye-contact for his next answer. "Uh yeah" he spoke nervously, my hunch says hes lying about something here, but why would i care

"Oh cool" i stated,taking another bite from my sushi before Trisha asked another question. "What about your parents?" I choked out on my food, she slowly handed me a cup of water

"Sorry if i-" i cut her off by shaking my head. "No its fine, my dad left my mom when i was 12 but its fine cause my step-dad is a great person" i simply answered, not wanting to add that my mom is a... no gigi stop dont mention that

"So just like that you were able to replace your dad?" Zayn raised his eyebrow at me, clearly not a fan of my answer. "Zayn!" His mom elbowed him . "When your dad is an abusive jerk, its really easy to replace him" trisha gave me a sad look while zayn just stared at me with his eyebrows furrowned


Its currently 3 am and i seriously cant sleep because of a freaking girl thats been moaning for the past two hours. Like if you dont want to get pregnant stop getting fucked already.

I roll my eyes as i hear her say 'daddy!' For the 10th time this nught. Yes, thats how its going. For fuck's sake why is no one in the neighboorhood complaining

I try to turn to my side, when i realise that the sounds were getting higher, the bed squeals litterally blasting through my windows . "Can you fucking take a break?!" I yelled from my bed, hoping that they can hear me.

I heard some giggling, which meant they didnt take my words litterally. I jumped out of bed and walked to my left window , realising the sounds werent coming from there.

Then realisation hit me

The fucking is happening at the Maliks' house.

The fucking is happening at the Maliks' house

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Hope you like the story so far xx

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