Its Not Lying If She Doesnt Ask

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Gigi's p.o.v

My eyes went wide as my feet carried me towards the right window, slowly opening the curtains to be met with a shirtless zayn, probably a naked one too.

My eyes went wide as my feet carried me towards the right window, slowly opening the curtains to be met with a shirtless zayn, probably a naked one too

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I couldnt take my eyes off his abbs, his tattoos and how sexy he looked shining under the moon light.

Get over yourself gigi

"You?" I rolled my eyes, almost sick of the fact hes just there smirking knowing im not able to sleep because of him and that girl's hormones

"What the hell its 3 am and you've been fucking eachother for the past two hours!" I threw my hands in the air exxagerating. "Theres room for one person love, if you'd like to join for a threesome" he leaned in to his window, placing both of his hands under his abbs

"Ew what the hell no" i placed my hands on my waist, getting more pissed by the second . "Does your mom even know you're fucking a girl til death" i tapped my foot on the floor, kind of feeling bad that im threatning him because at some time i was just like him.

He stared at me, playing with his beard, i now know that his mom doesnt know or is not even home. "Hm so shes unaware?" I smirked devilishly. "Yes and the situation will remain like that" he spoke , with a serious tone

"Why would i lie to her?" I placed my hands on my curtains, ready to close them off. The situation is getting really awkward.

"Its not lying if she doesnt ask" he winked at me playfully before he closed his curtains and disappeared. I rolled my eyes groaning as i jumped back on my bed

Silence finally took off the rest of the night, and i finally had some rest.


I put on my ripped aqua jeans, my white top and a black bumper, throwing on some keds to finish up the look. I took one last look in the mirror, satisfied by my look, i grabbed my phone and headed outside the house.

Today i just wanted to go out, explore the town, the villages and the people around here. I want to be met with people with different backgrounds, people who havent had something not even close to my life.

I put on a smile on my face, turning off my phone and heading towards the forest near. I wasnt scared of being alone in the forest; on the contrary, i felt safer than ever.

The wind was blowing softly, as i walked through those trees, feeling as if i owned the world. It was like the wind was leading me somewhere, and all i could do is follow and obey. I felt as if for the first time im letting my heart take the lead, and i feel like when i open my eyes, ill be met with somewhere very beautiful.

I took in the scent of the beautiful atmosphere here, it was clean, it was clear and definetly healthy. The green covering all these trees and plants set my heart in peace.

I think i found a small spot, where my heart led me to. It was a rock, encircled with plants and multiplious flowers, and to the front was a lake. I sat down, hugging myself and looking at the amazing view. It was truely beautiful that i never wanted to leave

I closed my eyes, listening to the wind calling my name. I listened to nature being nature, and that was more beautiful than anything ive ever heard before. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes again.

Something about this spot, this place made me feel so comfortable, so much that i couldnt think of anything bad here. All i could think of is me being happy here, and wanting to stay here forever.

I gave all my oxygen that could breathe
I gave you my money and now we dont even speak
I drove miles and miles but would you do the same for me?

The song started in my head, feeling as if my heart started breaking too. I wasnt scared to cry, scared to feel because i was there, at my sudden safe place. So i cried.

I know that crying isnt really going to change anything, and i know its stupid to cry over the same reason for so many times. But do you know whats even more stupid? The person i once was.

So before i save someone else, ive got to save myself

The chorus of the song rang inside my head, giving me some motivation to whipe off my tears, and walk away from my safe spot.

I walked through the forest, finally seeing a small old cottage. I ran towards it and was met with an old lady, sitting there on her chair staring in front of her

"Hello" i greeted, standing in front of her with a smile on my face. "Hello my dear, come in" she still stared blankly somewhere, while she spoke to me.

Her hair had turned beautifully grey, as her hands softly rested on her chair, a beautiful pair of pearl earings hanging from her ears. She seemed like one of those cozy old people that you'd want to sit down and have a real talk with.

"Im sorry to bother you, i was just in the forest walking and i saw your house" i bit my lower lip, hoping i really didnt interrupt her yoga or meditation or whatever she was doing

"Its alright sweetheart, come closer let me see you" she still hadnt turned to look at me, which was weird. I took slow steps until i finally reached her and sat down next to her.

She slowly turned her face towards me, i hid my gasp when i saw that her eyes were closed. She slowly lifted her hands and softly pressed them on mu face

Her fingers traced down my cheeks, up to my nose and eyes. Until her hands finally carressed my hair, and she placed a soft kiss on my forehead

And ive just realised that she was blind

"Oh my dear you're gorgeous" she beautifully smiled, making her wrinkly cheeks seem so cute i wanted to poke them

"Thank you so much, you're so beautiful too" i softly kissed down her hand, realising a tear fell down her cheek

"I havent spoken to anyone in years, thank you sweetheart"

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