Heart Signals&First Dates

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Gigi's p.o.v

After a few days

"Oh really?" I giggled as harry kept the game going. Its a very silly game to be honest, even sillier than 20 questions. But you gotta give everything its chance

"Well i cant get you to talk except in this kind of way" he threw his hands exaggerating as i pulled my hair with both of my hands. "Fine fine i'll talk" i groaned, rolling my eyes

"Good then i'll take you to dinner tonight and you can talk as much as you want to" he shrugged his shoulders picking up his keys from the coffee table. I gulped, looking down at my hands

"Uhm.. is this a date?" I rubbed my neck nervously what made him stop to look at me. "Okay as you wish" he playfully winked at me and left the house

A small smile made its way on my lips; going on a first date after being in so many relationships before does feel wrong. I have so little experience in these kinds of thing, but im glad im here experiencing new things.

I turned off the tv, and layed back on the couch. My thoughts immediately drifted off to that old woman i met in the forest, and god i miss her and i miss her unfinished story

I happily jumped off and put on my jacket heading off the house for a quick jog to my beautiful secret spot.


Its the same as i left it, a beautiful spot  and a calming lake; one to hide all your mistakes. The thing about this place, wether your happy or not, it'll always be the most comforting and understanding place.

the way the wind takes a path, leading you somewhere then back at  the same spot; knowing you'll always belong to your own beloved home and people.

I didnt want to leave this spot, i know that two months from now, this is the most part of texas i'll miss, and the feeling i get in this part of texas is unforgettable. I could feel it when i close my eyes and think of beautiful things. I could picture it when the lonelines hits my blood. Like the perfect companion i'll never have.

I shook the thoughts off as i thought about that old woman, knowing that my main goal of coming here was to see her again. So i headed in the forest again to find her small cottage.

The path leaded itself, i just followed the wind and let it guide my way. It felt right to see her again, right where she was the last time. In her wheel chair, peacefully sitting down there, on the balcony.

"Gigi? Is that you sweetheart?" She moved her head in the direction of my footsteps. A smile creeped its way on my lips as i saw her face lighten up when i placed my hand on her shoulder

"It was about time you came back dear" she giggled, placing her shaky hand on top of mine, staring blankly somewhere in front of her. "I want to show you something" i speak out, excitement rushing in my veins. She let out a chuckle, shaking her head

"It hasnt been that long for you to forget that i am blind" she spoke in a low whisper, a jolt of pain rushing in my body. I used the wrong world

"I know, but the thing doesnt need to be seen, it needs to be felt" i took both of her arms placing them on my chest, letting her feel my heartbeats.

"Is that your heart?" She smiled widely, as i nodded happily. I heard that when two people have a connection, they can feel eachother's heartbeats and what every breath means

"Oh my dear, why are you nervous?" She carressed my skin, going up to my cheek and playfully pinching it. "Well i got asked out. To a date. And i-" before i could continue, she dropped her hand from my face and wheeled in her chair

"Hmm, come here into my thinking spot" i followed her, letting her down the small stairs as she led me somewhere in the forest, it was like she knew this place, she just knew the way.

"So tell me, how is dating nowadays?" She put a strand of my hair behind my ear, as i buckled my lips, thinking. "Um, i-i dont know?" I bit my lower lip, honestly answering her. Its not like ive ever been in a real relationship to know how is it like

"Im sorry" i excused myself as i took out my phone, seeing zayn's name on the screen. I let out a huff before turning it off and looking at mariana again.

"Unwanted call?" She giggled, as i nodded groaning. "Your heart is giving signals that say otherwise" i furrowned my eyebrows at her, before noticing that her hand was on my chest again

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