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September 28th

Virginia Beach, VA

Onika "Nicki" Maraj

"Where are you?", I asked.

"I'm around the corner."

"Alright. I'll see you when you get here."

"Aight. I got a surprise for you.", he said and hung up.

I frowned and went downstairs to see Meek pulling up. I opened the door and saw him pulling some flowers from the backseat. He gave them to me, smiling and I smiled back.

"Thank You Rihmeek. They're beautifulll."

I put them in a vase with water and we went upstairs to my room.

"Did you bring your book for Math?", I asked and he shook his head.

"I grabbed the wrong book. Damn. Lets share yours."

I nodded and grabbed mine off the floor and sat it between us.

"Lets get started."


"You did all this without a problem. You can do the work Meek. You just choose not too and fail."

"Well when you're busy with sports, you barely have time to do homework."

"Then one has got to give. I understand that you have scholarships thrown at you but they're also looking at your grades. Think about that."

I put all my school stuff back in my bookbag and laid down on my bed.

"You wanna go with me to the party tonight?"

"I don't know. Last time I went with you somewhere, I got pranked.", I said looking at him.

"I promise that's not going to happen ever again."

"I guess I'll go, but I'm not staying for long."

"Not staying long either. Probably going to be there for about 30 minutes. 45 minutes is the latest."

He climbed on my chest and placed his head on my stomach.

"What if my baby was in you?"

I looked down at him and he looked up at me.

"I've never thought about having a baby."

"I've thought bout it a couple times. I wanna wait until I get out of college first though.", he said rubbing my stomach.

I giggled and he chuckled, still rubbing my stomach.

"You're really rubbing my stomach like there's a baby in there."

"Shit. Their will be. Just watch."

"Boy bye."

"Our baby would be cute. Your face, my lips, our hair, my skin color, and my ears.", he said smiling.

"You're serious?", I asked and he nodded.

"I'm really thinking about this shit. Our babygirl is going to look like you with my height and our son is going to look like me with my height. We'll both have our mini mes."

We laughed and I rubbed his head.

"Go to sleep boy. You got practice soon."

He laid his head on my stomach and I rubbed his head until I heard snores.


"Don't gooo.", I said into his neck.

I held onto him and he laughed.

"Ima be back babygirl."

"I don't want you to leave Rihmeek."

"I'm coming back after I get back from practice. We don't have to go to that party if you don't want too."

"I just wanna spend the night with you.", I said and he nodded.

I let go and walked him to the door.


He pecked my lips and I smiled. He look at me, smiling and walked off the porch. I watched him until he pulled off and closed the door. I grabbed my phone and sent the text that they could come over. After 15 minutes, they were finally here and we were talking in my room.

"I see that Meek has finally changed.", Candi said and I nodded.

"He gave me flowers earlier and we took a nap together. He just left for practice not too long ago."

"You guys going to the party tonight?", Thembi asked and I shook my head.

"We're staying in to cuddleee."

We laughed and I picked up the phone.

"You look like you're glowing Nic."

I blushed and took a selfie. I posted it and watched the likes & comments roll in. My phone vibrated and it was a text from Meek.

Damn ma. You look sexy in that pic

Get back to practice Meek

Alright boss lady

I locked my phone and smiled. The girls looked at me and started poking my face.

"Dimples are showing. Aw Nicki.", Candi said.

I rolled my eyes and laughed with them.

Robert "Meek" Williams

"I'm ready for this party.", Tak said.

"You going Meek?", Chino asked and I shook my head.

"Nah. I'm spending the night with my girl."

Everybody looked at me with wide eyes and I laughed.

"Damn. Is it that much of a shocker that I'm settling down?"

"Is it Onika?", Omelly asked and I nodded.

"Who would've thought. You serious this time?"

"Yeah. I really wanna be with her. She's special and I just want to be around her all the time. Her smile, her laugh, her dimples, and just her. I'm not messin up this time."

"Cuz in love. Finally.", Omelly said.

We continued joking until it was time to go and I drove to my house to get some clothes then drove back to Nicki's house. I knocked on the door and she smiled wide.


I picked her up and she kissed all over my face.

"I wasn't even gone that long girl."

She rolled her eyes and I chuckled.

"See ya later Meek.", the girls said and I nodded.

Nicki locked the door behind them and I placed my bag on the living room floor.

"I just realized you're sweaty.", Nicki said.

"I'll go take a shower then."

"Thank you!"

After I took a shower, we were cuddled up on the couch, in the living room watching Law & Order.

"Have you been watching this all day?", I asked and she nodded.

"Its interesting Meek. Sh."

I laughed and took my phone out. I took a picture of her on my chest and posted it on Instagram and captioned it as "My new favorite person." and then logged off. I looked at the time and it was almost 10.

"I'm tired.", Nicki said yawning.

"Go to sleep babygirl."

I kissed her forehead and she snuggled into my neck. I wrapped my arm around her and slowly went to sleep.

Hope y'all liked it

Excuse any errors

-Gabby Out

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