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September 30th

Virginia Beach, VA

Onika "Nicki" Maraj

"You going with me to my game?", Meek asked.

"I don't have anything else to do and my mom wants me out the house."

I picked out a outfit and put it on. Meek changed into his under attire of his uniform and I got my stuff together. I checked the time and it was 11:23 A.M.

"What time this game supposed to end?"

"Depends. Anything can make the game end early or end late.", he said and I nodded.

I put on my shoes and we walked out the house. I locked the door and went to his car.

"Hold up."

He opened the door for me and I smiled.

"Thank you handsome."

He nodded smiling at me and I got in the car and he closed the door. I started scrolling down my Instagram timeline and I saw the picture that Meek posted last night.

"I didn't know you posted me on your page."

He looked at me and nodded then focused on the road. He grabbed my hand and used the other hand to drive. We pulled up to the school and we got out. Candi & Thembi walked with us to the field and Meek helped me up the bleachers.

"You alright?", he asked and I nodded.

"Let me know if anyone messes with you. I'll beat 'em up."

I giggled and he smiled.

"We gotta start warming up. I'll come back up for halftime."

I nodded and he pecked my lips.

"Can I get something for good luck?"

He smirked and I rolled my eyes, nodding. He kissed me and I deepened it and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Williams! Field!", coach yelled.

He pecked my lips and ran down the bleachers.

"Y'all are so cute.", Candi said.

I smiled and laid my head on her shoulder. My phone vibrated and it was a text from my mom.

Where are you??

Football game with Candi and Thembi

Oh okay. Be safe!

I will!

I locked my phone and saw Meek looking at me, staring. He winked at me and I blushed.


It was 2nd quarter with 35 seconds left on the clock and the score was 21-20. We were winning. They were at the 1st & Goal and this was their last attempt before kicking for a field goal.

"Come on guys.", I said to myself.

Meek ran the ball and he made the touchdown. I smiled and he looked at me, smiling. They made their 1-pt field goal and now the score was 28-20. He sat down beside me and he kissed my forehead.

"You good?", he asked.

"A couple people came over and messed with me but one of your boys told them to stop.", I said and he nodded.

"What he look like?"

"He looked mean."

He nodded and laugh.

"That's Omelly. Yo O! Come over here!"

Omelly walked over to us and he sat down on the other side of me. I looked at him then scooted over to Meek. He chuckled and kissed my neck.

"He not gone do anything. Calm down ma."

I nodded and he kissed my neck again. I sat in his lip and he wrapped his arm around me and started talking to his boys. 10 minutes were up and he had to get back on the field.

"I'll see after the game, alright?

I nodded and pecked his lips. I watched him walk down the bleachers and bit my lip. Omelly stayed by my side and I decided to talk to him.

"You and Meek are cousins?", I asked and he nodded.

"Like he said, I'm Omelly but you can call me O."

"I'm Onika but you can call me Nicki."

(I remember someone wrote a book about Omelly and Onika together.)

"I've heard. Meek talks about you a lot."



I smiled and look at Meek.

"He really serious this time Nic. Don't hurt him."

"I won't. I promise.", I said looking at Meek.

Robert "Meek" Williams

"Aye Sam. I know you my boy and all but Ima need you to step it up. You the wide receiver for a reason.", I said and he nodded.

"Trey, step your defense up."

"Game time boys.", coach said.

"Go Lions!", we yelled.


It was the 4th Quarter with 1 minute left on the clock and it was 42-42 and we had the ball.

"This our first game and I will not lose this game! Pull it together!", I yelled.

After the halftime, the team started playing like ass. I was very aggravated but that had to wait until the game was over. We were in the end zone and I was ready to make that touchdown. I faked giving the ball to somebody then ran it. I kept running then BOOM!

Onika "Nicki" Maraj

I ran down the bleachers and ran over to Meek.

"Baby, I need you to not move your leg.", I said softly.

"My fucking leg hurts."

His bone was out his skin and everybody started making a big deal about it.

"Meek, they have to lift you up and it might hurt. Just hold my hand and look at me."

I looked at the paramedics and I nodded. He looked up at me and squeezed my hand. Once they got him on the stretcher, they started wheeling him to the ambulance.

"It hurts Onika."

"I know baby."

"Would you like to ride with Mr. Williams?", a paramedic asked and I nodded.

They put him in and I sat beside him. He still had a hold on my hand and he stared at me.

"Yo Meek! You okay?", Omelly said.

"My bone comin out my damn leg O. What you think?"

"We're going to meet you at the hospital."


I walked in the room seeing Meek's leg stitched up and he smiled when he saw me walking in. I took off my shoes and got in with him.

"Thank you for keeping me calm ma."

"No problem. You didn't need to be stressing."

He pecked my lips and I laid on his chest. I rubbed his chest and he fell asleep a little bit after and so did I.

Hope y'all liked it

Excuse Any Errors

-Gabby Out

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