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December 23rd

Virginia Beach, VA

Onika 'Nicki' Maraj

''We missed you Nic.'', Candi said and I smiled.

''I missed y'all too.'', I said hugging them.

After court, my mom was sentenced to 20-30 years and I had to move in with my dad in New York which isn't bad.

''Meek's having a Christmas party, you want to go?'', Thembi asked.

I side eyed her and she nodded.

"I wouldn't mind going but it's awhile since I've seen him."

"He asks about you all the time Nic.", Candi said.

"What time is the party?"


I looked at the time and saw it was 12:04.

"I'll have a answer by 4.", I said and they nodded.

"How is it in New York?"

"It's alright. I love it up there honestly. New people and a new environment."

"Have you talked to your mom recently?"

"No and I don't want to any time soon."

"Meek's dad is now out.", Candi said and I smiled.

"That's great. I know Meek is happy."

"He is, it's like he's a different person now. He's about his grades and stays away from the crowd."

"I'm glad to hear that."

"Enough talk about Meek, lets go and find something to wear to this party.", Thembi said.


Robert "Meek" Williams

"Hey ma.", I said walking in.

"You know the rules for tonight. No drinks, no loud music, and no foolishness tonight."

"I got everything ma, go have fun."

I kissed her cheek and watched her walk out the house. I played music through the music and started getting ready for this party.

"Hey cuz.", Omelly said.

"Hey, I just want to apologize for everything."

"You sorry?", he asked and I nodded.

"I've heard that so many times and you still fucked her over Meek."

"I'm good now cause my dad got justice and he's going to be back soon."

"I'm glad, where's Na?"

"She'll be here later for the party."

"Let me help you with this stuff."


"Guess who's coming tonighttt.", Na sang.

"Who?", I asked.


"She back in VA?", Omelly asked and she nodded.

"She with Candi and them?"


"That's lil sis, I can't wait to see her."

I looked at the clock and it was 5:56.

"7 needs to hurry up."

"Don't do no stupid shit Robert.", Na said.

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