Like Sands Through the Hourglass

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Like Sands Through the Hourglass

"I still can't believe that Zack was my dad the whole time!" Hercules laughed as he walked with his friends down the hall. "I mean, wow! Who would've thought it?!"

"Someone who isn't a bonehead," Cassandra bluntly replied. "His voice was a dead giveaway."

Hercules huffed and rolled his eyes. He refused to let Cassandra ruin his day.

"Oh, c'mon, Cassie-wassie!" Icarus cooed, "You were in the dark like everyone else! This was a creepy twist no one would expect..." he paused to scratch his spikey hair, "well, if we were in a soap opera." He gasped and grinned widely, "Oh man! Are we on a show right now?! Cool!"

"Wait, what do you mean, 'creepy twist'?" Hercules demanded. "What my dad did wasn't creepy at all! I mean... sure, he transformed into a teenager... and kept it a secret... and mirrored every move I've made, especially my eating habits... but I thought the gesture was nice!"

Icarus laughed, "I did love the part how he smote Adonis's butt with his lightning bolt! Ha! Ha! Ha! Good times."

"Yeah," he agreed. "And the way he sent Hades and his mutt back down under. I am so glad we all dodged the chomp in time."

"All as in you, Zeus, and Nattie?" Cassandra offered.

Hercules sighed dreamily, "Yeah, you should've seen her, guys. How she tamed the beast like that, risking her life for us..."

Cassandra scoffed, shaking her head at the change in Hercules's skin color, "Again, can't you get any redder?" Hercules stiffened up, stammering his denial, claiming not to know what she'd meant.

"Yeah, you look like a tomato, Herc! Let me try!" Icarus puffed air in his cheeks and held his breath until his face turned purple. Hercules and Cassandra continued the conversation, ignoring the boy's struggle.

"Cassandra, I don't know why you keep saying that. My face looks fine."

The seer's smirk deepened, "Really?"

"Yeah, really! Stop looking at me like my dad! I don't want to hear it."

"Hear what?"

"About Nattie and me!"

"What about Nattie?" Hercules whirled around and gasped at the expecting girl behind him. He stammered her name, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. "Dang, Herc! Did you forget to put on olive oil or something? Your face is ripe!"

"Uh-uh, no," he shook his head. "I mean, yes, I didn't put on oil, but I didn't-"

"Say, Nattie!" Icarus high-fived the girl, "Nice going with Cerberus! Huh?!"

"Heh, it was nothing. I always wanted a dog, and Cerberus was practice. No biggie," she couldn't ignore the flutters in her stomach. It wasn't nerves but anticipation. She had tamed Cerberus. He belonged to her whether Hades' name was on the adoption certificate or not.

"I like dogs," Hercules finally made a clear sentence, even though it sounded rushed.

"Aw," Nattie cooed. "It's nice to know Cerberus didn't take away your love for a man's best friend. I mean, you have your horse and all, but it might be nice to have a furry friend. Don't you think?"

Hercules nodded, "Uh-huh, dogs are great. Dogs, flying horses, and cats, too."

"Cats? Ugh! I hate cats," her blunt statement earned a frown from the hero-in-training before she could explain why Hercules blurted out a retraction.

"Yeah, I hate cats, too!"

Nattie blinked in confusion, "What?"

"Smooth move, Zeus Jr.," Cassandra whispered to Hercules. Icarus pointed at the deeper color on Hercules's face. Nattie opened her mouth to ask why the sudden change of heart for cats but didn't get to speak. She perked at her name being called. She leaned her head back in dismay when she saw Parentheses motioning her to enter his office. The girl recognized the look; it was another detention for her. For what exactly? She wasn't too sure; maybe it was missing half the school day.

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