I'm naughty, take me please.

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Alex got incredibly bored when Matt went home. Obviously, he could text his other friends and hang out with them but he's never been the person who initiated any meetings.
Also, it's been quite late already, so he didn't see any sense in calling anyone.

He glanced at his mobile and grabbed it after a while of staring at it. He told himself that he was doing it for Matt as he didn't want to upset him by refusing his help.
He unlocked his phone by typing in the easiest password in the world '1234' and looked for the app his friend had downloaded. It took him a second to find it but then he opened it without any problems.
On the screen appeared a photo of some bald guy in a tank top, standing next to some car. 'Ew.' Alex thought but immediately felt bad for that.
He didn't want to dislike anyone, he was wondering whether people could see it and if refusing them made them upset.
He was sitting for a while without any move, holding his thumb above the screen, still thinking how exactly the app worked.
Finally, he carefully swiped left and another person's profile appeared.
Alex remembered that Matt was talking about some descriptions of profiles but he had no idea how to open the right tab.
At the beginning, judging people only by their photo seemed ridiculous to him but after a couple of minutes, he found fun in it and he was liking and refusing profiles quicker and quicker.

He stopped for a while when a picture of a tall, skinny man appeared on the screen of his phone. On the first photo, although the man was carrying a guitar case, holding a cigarette in other hand, he was wearing a navy blue coat which made him look quite elegant.
The second one let Alex marvel at his face. He had short hair and a stubble covering his sharp jawline. Turner couldn't stop staring into his deep, dark eyes which were certainly the most beautiful ones he's ever seen.
The boy wanted to know more about the man but unfortunately, as he sucked at technology, he had no idea how to read a description of him.
Alex easily noticed that he was older than him - three or four years. Obviously, he had no idea how old he was, but he seemed to be in his early twenties.
Alex liked the profile and immediately froze.
'It's a match!'

He threw away the phone and started panicking what's always been his the worst habit. 'Does it mean he can text me now?' He was nervously tapping his fingers, wondering whether he should call Matt or not. 'I don't even know him, this is ridiculous! What if he texts me?!'

Miles was unpacking his CDs and placing them on a shelf above his bed. He was almost done with everything and he couldn't help but smiled at that thought. When he was placing on the shelf some Bowie's album, he felt his phone vibrating in a back pocket of his dark jeans. He took it out sitting on the bed and unlocked it. He smiled slightly when he saw the notification saying he was matched with the guy he was adoring some time ago.
He was wondering for a while whether he should text him or give in since the boy was seven years younger and probably not likely to even text him back.
Finally, he opened a keyboard and started writing the first message. He tapped 'send' button and smiled, getting back to unpacking his things.

Alex sprang up when he heard his phone making a jingly sound. His heart started beating faster when he was reaching for it as he was afraid the man he was matched with texted him.
And unfortunately, his concern came true. He tapped the right tab and opened the only message he got. He grimaced with wonder at the text saying 'hey lovely xx' and opened the keyboard. He was thinking for a while what to reply and tried to overcome overthinking about it. He replied with simply 'hi' and threw away the phone, wishing it made the problem vanish.
Unfortunately, his mobile made the same sound again and Alex received another message.

'What's up?'
'Nothing much.' He replied and smiled slightly because so far, the talk wasn't as hard as he thought it would be. 'You?'
'Unpacking stuff, I've just moved.'
Alex wanted to ask why the man moved to Sheffield but didn't want to be pushy in any way, so he just waited till the man sent a message again.
'D'ya know what your description says?'
'No idea.' Turner was wondering what his new friend meant but after a second he got anxious what Matt had written there. 'I guess my friend's put some weird shit in it?'
'Yeah, it says: I'm naughty, take me please'
'What?!' His eyes widened and his heart started thudding. He wanted to immediately call Helders and tell him to change him but luckily, the next message stopped him from that.
'Nah, just kidding.'
'Tho I wish I could hear those words from your mouth someday xx'

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