This is the last one.

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'Yeah. We're playing a gig next week, you can come.' Turner replied to the last message and quickly added: 'I'll text ya later.' since he didn't want to text while Matt was around.

'So?' Helders didn't really care whether he was too curious as his mate seeing someone wasn't a really common thing. He used to be in some relationships but they've always ended really quickly and Alex didn't seem to take them seriously. And now, Matt had got the feeling that it was gonna be different.
'He's coming to our gig next week.'

'Then we're going to meet him!' A smile appeared on Matt's face while it disappeared from Alex's one.
Turner didn't realise that at first but now he was quite stressed about that. He hardly knew him and he didn't want to introduce him to his friends already.
'Yeah, I guess so.'

Miles had already heard a lot about The Death Ramps from Alex's mouth and it made him him even more excited about their upcoming gig. He couldn't find any videos online of them playing; he suspected it was because the rest of the band wasn't really good at technology too, tho he couldn't really believe it since they were all teenagers.

Kane finally settled in and started considering the flat as his home now. Also, it looked more like it when he unpacked everything and the rooms became more cosy than they were when he first saw them.
When he remembered what his new friend said while driving his car, he took some of his best CDs and took with him when he was leaving to work.
He placed his briefcase on the backseat and got in the vehicle, putting on 'Abbey Road' by The Beatles.

He liked his new job so far - the boss was really nice, she didn't look down on the employees. Anyway, Miles had a good position, and was one of the most valuable architect there, so he didn't really have to worry whether the boss liked him or not - he wouldn't be fired anyway, he was just too good.

They were still texting each other, almost every day. Miles offered to pick Alex up and give him a lift to the club they were playing in but the boy refused since he had to be there much earlier. Also, he hoped he wouldn't have to introduce Kane to his friends.
It was the last week of summer holidays, so Alex and his friends had to prepare for going back to the uni, but before that, they wanted to end it with something which was certainly the most enjoyable thing in their lives.

Matt's parents helped him carrying his stuff the day before the gig since they were leaving the city when their son's band played.
It rarely happened that they missed The Death Ramps' concerts, they really enjoyed what his son was doing, particularly as it didn't really affected on his grades. Also, they'd seen how much he loved that and it was a pleasure for them to see him that happy. He especially impressed his father who, as a music teacher, was glad his son took after him the passion for music.

No messages from Miles before the gig made him feel stressed. He really counted on him to come but now he started accepting the fact the man had probably ignored him and they'd never meet again. He wasn't the one to text somebody first and that's why he didn't ask Kane whether he was going to come or not.
His band mates was asking him a few times if he was okay because he looked upset, but he answered that he was alright every time he heard that question, although he couldn't get Miles out of his mind.

He swept the whole crowd while he was approaching the mic and sighed disappointed when he didn't notice the familiar face he counted on seeing. He checked whether the mic was working and regulated its height, then grabbed his metallic, black stratocaster.

Kane was glancing at his watch every few minutes, annoyed the meeting lasted longer than it was supposed to.
He'd ended all projects he's been working on recently and now, the boss told him to cooperate with other employees and try to end a bigger project by the end of the next month.

When the meeting had finally ended, he quickly collected his documents laying on the desk and left the office. He threw the papers on the backseat and laid rubber.
While driving, as he was still in the suit, he took off his jacket and placed in the passenger seat. He still looked quite elegant for a pub but still, he had no time to change.
He parked in front of an old building and got out of the car, slamming the door. He was walking fast since he could hear muffled music from the inside. He was really cross at himself he was late, but he could do nothing to avoid that, that wasn't his fault.
When he entered, the band's been already playing some song he didn't know. He admitted to himself that the song was actually really good and catchy. He leant against the bar and looked at his friend singing.

The band had played a second song and it's already made Alex a little bit sweaty which was the reason why his hair became a mess and was sticking to his face and neck. And that made Miles couldn't stop staring how strands of his long hair were falling on his forehead, how his muscles tensed while he was changing the chords and and how sweat was flowing down his body.

Playing gigs has always been a pleasure but that day, Alex felt empty, sad and disappointed. When he didn't get what he counted on, it felt like the worst duty.
After the first song he stopped looking for Miles in the crowd, trying to get over it and focus on the gig.
But when the second song ended and he wanted to tell the people a title of the next one they've never played, he looked at the crowd again. 'This one's called 'Despair in a departure lounge.''
And in that moment he noticed Kane sitting at the bar, staring at him and smiling.
Alex smiled back and started playing and although the song was sad, he couldn't help smiling at the thought his friend didn't stand him up.

'This is the last one.' Alex sniffed and smiled when he looked at the man at the bar again. And right after he said that, he played the first chord of the song most part of the crowd has already known very well.
And when 'I bet you look good on the dance floor' ended, Turner waved at his friend to come and left the stage.

Kane got up leaving a beer he was drinking on the table top and tried to get to the stage. There were still a lot of people, so it made it quite hard for him to get to there. But after a while, Alex appeared again and headed to him, so they met in the middle of the dance floor.
Turner didn't say anything but smiled and grabbed his mate's hand, leading him to the back room.
He let go of his hand before he opened the door and stopped, looking for his friends. They were standing in the opposite corner of the room, but when Alex wanted to approach them, Kane stopped him by grabbing his arm and turning around.
The Northerner blushed when Miles started telling him how much he loved the gig, how good their music was and the most importantly for Alex, how much he fell in love with his lyrics.
The teenager mumbled quiet 'stop it' while the man was complimenting him and lowered his head so his hair covered his face.
'It's all true!' Miles laughed. 'You look pretty when you blush.' He said and tucked a strand of Turner's hair behind his ear. 'Why don't you introduce me to your friends, huh?'
Alex nodded and turned around, leading him toward his band mates.

They all seemed nice to Kane. As he's never been good at remembering names so he tried to find some distinguishing features of the people to help himself out - Matt, the drummer with short hair, Nick, long hair and deep voice, the bassist and Jamie, the one with long, dark blond hair with rose cheeks, the guitarist.
'So who's the one who created Alex's account? I need to tell him how thankful I am.' He smirked and giggled quietly when he saw Alex looking like he wanted to disappear.
They were talking for a couple of minutes but when the staff was done with carrying their stuff from the stage, they had to get going.
'D'ya want me to take your stuff, Allie?' Helders asked as knew his mate's parents weren't in town and couldn't drop his things back home.
'I can do this.' Kane didn't let Alex answer, so Matt just nodded at him and gave Turner a sarcastic smile while leaving the room.

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