I like the classic way.

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They were appointed at the studio on Monday, two days before school started. The first meeting was nothing but getting some basic information, so the band didn't start recording anything. Another meeting was planned for Friday and tho it was only a few days away, boys couldn't wait to start creating their first album.

Alex didn't get any message from Miles since the last time he saw him and started worrying wether it was the end or not. A year ago, he wouldn't care about it at all, but now, when he started getting over his ex, it was quite harmful to be alone again.
Turner couldn't focus on anything but the new lover. He was angry at himself for caring but, as he was 'an over thinker' type, he couldn't get him out of his mind.

'Ah, shit, sorry.' Alex said when he did another mistake in a song they were playing and sighed heavily. 'Once again?'
'You okay, Al?' Nick asked. 'We can try again next time.'
'Yeah, mate, get some sleep.' Jamie added and placed away his guitar. 'It's quite late anyway, we should get goin'.'
'Sorry boys, I'm just not feelin' well.' Turner murmured and they all left the room.

'What is it?' Matt asked while they were leaving the building.
'Nothin'. Random shooting in me head.' Alex wasn't looking at his friend as he knew he wasn't the best at lying.
'Miles?' The boy asked and smiled slightly.
'I shouldn't have cared.' Turner sighed sadly and looked away.
'Blow him off, Allie, not worth it.' Helders patted his back. 'We should hit some club tomorrow, huh? There's bunches of lads like him. You'll find someone.'
Alex didn't answer and looked away. Then, after a short pause, he turned and spoke. 'See ya.' He wanted to walk away but Matt stopped him.
'You don't want me to drop you off?' Helders asked surprised, turning on the engine of his motorbike.
'Nah, I'm okay. Need some fresh air.' Alex smiled softly and waved at his mate driving off.

He was walking for a couple of minutes, thinking about Kane, and when his phone rang, he answered it rapidly; unfortunately, it was just Matt, telling him that he left his sweatshirt in the studio. Suddenly, Alex cut in while his friend was talking, telling him he had to go.
'What happened?!' Helders almost shouted as his mate sounded really serious, like he had to run away from something.
'Another call.' Alex immediately hung up, before Matt could tell him how much he scared him and ask who was calling; tho he was almost sure who.

'Yeah?' Alex tried to play offended when he picked up the phone.
'Sorry I didn't text. I've got a lot of work.'
'Yhm.' The boy sighed and when Kane noticed he wasn't likely to forgive, he continued.
'How about you come over and I'll make it up to you, huh? I can pick you up if you want.' Miles smiled, certain it was gonna work.
'I'm actually pretty close, I can come.' He was still talking with no emotion in his voice, trying to sound like he didn't care.
'Good. 'Cause I missed ya.'
'Of course you did.' Turner said, then hung up and started wondering whether what he said was too harsh. He changed the direction and headed to his friend's flat.

'Come in!' Miles shouted not lifting up his head, still looking at sheets of paper on his kitchen table.
'Hi.' Alex said coming in and approached his friend writing something on the drawings.
'See? I wasn't lying.' Kane sighed and leant his head on a hand. 'This project is a crap, honestly.'
'I thought these days you do this on computers.'
'I like the classic way.' Miles smiled, then stood up and headed to the kitchen. He put on a kettle and grabbed two mugs from the cupboard. 'Also, my team is just a bunch of some idiots, I have to do everything on my own.'
Turner didn't say anything, still quite angry at Miles. Besides, he didn't come here to talk.
'I have to end one thing and I'll make everything up to you, okay?'
Kane tossed the boy's hair and handed him the tea.
'I'd better go then. It's late.' Alex placed away the mug and stood up crossing his arms.
'Oh, Allie, Allie, you're so impatient.' The older teased while approaching the visitor and placing hands on his hips. Then he grabbed Turner's crossed arms and placed them around his neck. 'Don't be mad.' Kane started kissing his neck and undoing his jeans he's already made tighter. And after he got rid of them, he sat Alex on the table, right next to his drawings. He took off his jeans and underwear, while Alex was doing the same thing with his t-shirt, then got back to sucking the boy's neck.
Miles moved lower, kissing a way down the chest, until he faced the teenager's cock.

Alex was trying really hard not to lay back on the table since Miles' drawings was still there. Apparently, it wasn't easy, as the boy's grip on the edges of the table top was increasingly tighter.

After Kane was done with the first part of the apology, he stood up and while giving the younger another passionate kiss, he pushed some of his fingers inside the Northerner. And probably if Alex wasn't shut up by his lover's lips, he would moan at that feeling.
Miles was fingering him much longer than it was necessary and of course he did than on purpose; building the feeling of anticipation was supposed to make Alex beg for more.

'Miles...' The boy was slowly pushing away the man kissing his neck.
'Mhm...' Kane murmured onto his skin smiling that his planned worked; though he was sure about it from the beginning as it's always worked.
'Why you keep doing that...'
'Doing what?' The older smirked and didn't stop moving his fingers in and out.
'Just give me all you've got already.'
The Scouser chuckled softly and spat on his cock, then pressed it to the boy's entrance. 'What a beautiful way to say 'fuck me'.'

When Kane gathered the pace, he pushed Alex onto the table and bent over him that the younger could feel his breath on his neck.
'Your-r papers...' Alex said weakly in between the moans when he felt creasing paper under his bare back.
'Fuck my papers.' Miles whispered to his ear without stopping or slowing down.

'We're good now, yeah?' Miles asked doing up his jeans and putting on a t-shirt.
'I guess.' Alex smiled sarcastically and ended putting on his clothes. 'I'll get going then.'
Miles murmured something, already busy with sorting the drawings and the documents. Alex sighed and turned, heading to the exit.
'Wait.' Kane said making the boy stop. When Turner turned and looked at him, Miles waved at him to come, still staring at the documents. When the boy approached, the older grabbed him by the jaw and pulled closer, then gave him a short, but passionate kiss. And
right after he broke it, he got back to sorting the documents and drawings.

When Alex left the flat, he took out his phone to see how late it was and inhaled deeply when he saw a notification saying about plenty of missed calls from his mother and a few from Matt. 'Shit.' He murmured while waiting for his friend to pick up.
'What did you tell her?'
'That you stayed in the studio a little longer. Didn't know you'd be out for so long.'
'Fuck.' Turner said, already wondering about possible explanation to give to his parents. 'Thanks, tho.'
As he didn't want to argue with his mum now, he sent her a text saying he's sorry and he didn't hear the phone.

When he approached the house and noticed lights in the kitchen turned on, he knew his mum was waiting for him, ready to begin questioning. And when he was sitting in front of her, answering calmly every question, he was sure that the only difference between the kitchen and a police office was lack of a lamp standing on the table, officers often use to blind witnesses. At least, regarding movies.

Next few weeks were really busy for both of them; Turner's school started and recording the album was even harder that he thought it would be, and Miles' project was still putting him through the hoops.
That's why they haven't been seeing each other for a while; in a period of three weeks they met twice - also, only one meeting was long enough to talk and grab a dinner; the other time they just fucked.

But when the dead line was coming and Miles knew he'd be able to draw breath; also, catch up with Alex.
And though, the boy still was just someone to bang, he liked hanging out with him, and certainly, it felt kinda different than relationships like this usually felt.
And it was much enough to make Alex start falling in love with him.

Oh, and check out The Office!!!

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