Yes, we are. We are.

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Alex dried himself with a towel and stepped out of the shower.
He took a quick look at himself in the mirror but then grimaced and turned his head. After putting on some underwear, he headed to his room, willing to dress up. He was wondering what to wear during the whole way to his bedroom and when he finally got there, he still had no idea. He opened the wardrobe and leant his arm against it, staring inside, looking for anything that was casual and elegant at the same time. He looked at a clock standing on his desk and when he noticed that only half an hour left, he grabbed a pair of dark, tight jeans and and a grey shirt he immediately put on.

The cafe they were appointed at was about twenty minutes away, so Alex started worrying he wouldn't arrive there on time.
After using some cologne, he went downstairs and headed to the door, grabbing a leather jacket in the meantime.

'Where are you going, sweetheart?' He rolled his eyes when he heard his mum asking about that since he was nineteen and still treated like a child.
'With a friend.' Alex sighed getting on black boots and grabbed a handle.

'No, mum, not Matt.' He opened the door, afraid he was going to be late and left the house before Penny could ask about anything else.

Alex was walking quite fast and when he looked at his phone he knew he'd been already late. After about fifteen minutes he arrived to the cafe and pushed the glass door with his shaking from stress hands. He took a look around the place and luckily, immediately noticed the man he was appointed with.

When Miles saw him, he smiled at him and got up, heading to greet him. He had to admit that the boy was even more lovely than on the photos. He was charmed how shy he looked as he could see sort of hesitation in his eyes.
He straightened his arm to greet the boy but didn't give a peck on the cheek as was planning to since he'd seen how uncomfortable he'd already been and didn't want to make everything worse.

'You look even better in real, ya know?' Miles said after a few minutes of casual talk and smiled when he noticed his new friend's cheeks blushing.
'T-thanks.' Alex murmured trying to hide his face behind his hair.

Kane decided to blow off complimenting the boy and tried to simply enjoy the conversation.
He couldn't help but grin when he saw how Alex became more and more open and talkative as the talk went on. His smile was really beautiful when he was talking about things he was excited about, like his little band playing sometimes in some pubs in Sheffield. Miles was listening carefully to the whole story about its name 'Death Ramps' and he had to admit that Alex was a great story teller. Although, he sometimes struggled to find the right word, but it made everything sound perfect when he found one.
They lost track of time and had been quite shocked when they discovered it's been already nine and the restaurant closed in half an hour. The left it together and stopped outside.

'Wanna come to me place?' Miles said like it wasn't a big deal and pulled out a cigarette from a packet he got out from a pocket in his navy jacket.
'Um... I-' Alex's heart stared thudding since he knew exactly what that meant. He looked at the ground and let his hair completely cover up his face.
'I n-need to get back home...'

'Sure.' Kane patted his arm and smiled slightly, trying to hide his disappointment. 'I'll give ya a lift, huh?'
'There's no need to, really.' Alex lifted his head and smiled, glad the man wasn't pushy.

'I parked there, c'mon.' He nodded at some car hidden in the dark and placed his hand on Alex's back, leading him toward the vehicle.
'Thanks.' Turner smiled when the man opened the door of dark ford cortina for him.
Miles started a talk when the car started off to release the tension and turned the radio on.

'Ya can choose something.' He smiled at Alex and nodded at the radio. The boy shyly started changing the channels and sighed when he found nothing interesting.
'Don't ya have any CDs?' Turner asked and grimaced when another pop song started playing.

'Nah, not here. I forgot to take some from my flat.' He sighed tapping the wheel with his long fingers. 'I have quite a big collection tho. I'll show ya someday.' He looked at Alex smiling and raised one of his eyebrows, making the boy blush a little and smile back. 'Sure.' He tucked a strand of hair behind his ear and looked out of the window. 'We're here.'

They both got out of the car, when they stopped in front of Turner's house. Miles approached the boy and hid his left hand in a back pocket of his pants. 'Bye then.' He smiled and placed his hand on his waist, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. It lasted only a second but when it was broken, Kane didn't move but stared into Turner's dark eyes.
Alex smiled and gave him a little kiss on the lips but then quickly stood back. He was shocked by what he's just done but still he couldn't say he didn't like that. 'Bye.'
He turned around and headed to the door of his house, not looking behind him.

He opened the door as quietly as he only could, afraid his parents have been already asleep. But when he was taking off his shoes, he heard a voice coming from the other room.
'Oh, finally, I thought you'd never come back!' Penny laughed and ignored her son rolling his eyes. 'It's been a while since you've been out for so long.'
Turner didn't answer and went upstairs murmuring 'goodnight' to his mother.
When he was undoing his shirt his phone buzzed and a smile appeared on his face when he saw a message saying 'G night xx'.
He replied and went to the bathroom in order to take a shower.

'So how was it?' Matt asked right after his friend crossed a threshold of his house.
'Good morning.' Alex said to Mrs. Helders ignoring his mate's question. Jill waved at him and got back to cooking something.

'Well?' Matt crossed his arms waiting for an answer, excited about what happened on his friend's 'date'.
'Can't we go upstairs first?' Alex sighed and asked since he didn't want anyone else to know he was, sort of, seeing someone.

'I guess a lot of happened then?' Helders smirked while going upstairs.
'Fuck off, nothing happened.'

'Oh right, oh right, just kiddin'.' He sat on his bed and leant against the wall, still staring at Alex. 'So how he's like, huh?'
'I dunno, he seems nice.' Turner didn't know what else to say - not because he didn't have a clue what to. There were just too many things he fell in love with about the man he's just met.

'That's all?' Matt rolled his eyes since he expected him to tell him a little more.
'Ugh.' Alex groaned with dissatisfaction and tried to casually describe how he spent the night before. Of course, he didn't mention Miles asking about going to his place or their 'goodbye'.

'Ya two goin' to meet again?'
'I- um, dunno.' Actually, Alex had no idea whether it was going to happen but still, he hoped so.
But right after he said that, his phone buzzed, so he grabbed it from the bed and smiled when he looked down at the screen.
'Yes, we are.' He grinned and looked at Matt again. 'We are.'

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