chapter 3

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I wake up in a new room, this one slate grey. I look around and notice a bed across from me, along the other wall. All I see is red hair, splayed across a pillow, and a heap of blankets.
"Annika?" I say, tired.
Annika groans and turns over.
"What?" She says sounding exhausted and annoyed.
"So your not at all worried that you just woke up in a random room that you have never seen before?" I say, obviously confused.
"Just because you fell asleep in that car ride doesnt mean I did," Annika replies, "I was up when they escorted me and carried you here. I know exactly where we are."
"Can we just go outside? I need some air," I say, sounding almost depressed. Almost.
"Fine. They told me that we are allowed to leave whenever we want," she responds.
We walk through multiple hallways. Each surface is made of steel, except for in the bedrooms, which have hard, creaky wooden floors.
We get to an elevator, I expect the same gray color, but am pleasantly surprised. Every surface, the floor and roof too, are covered in an array of colors. On one wall, I see 4 names across the wall, overshadowing all the doodles and paint splotches.





I look at Annika, and gesture to the wall.
"Before we go outside, lets rummage around for some paint or markers shall we?" I ask
Annika nods in response.
When the elevator opens, we are on the first floor. I am surprised to see someone behind a desk in what seems like a lobby. If everything wasn't so plain, I might mistake this place for a hotel.
"Excuse me do you happen to have colored paint or markers?" I ask, shyly.
"For the elevator? I think I have something." The woman behind the desk says. She has kind, hazel eyes and wavy, raven black hair.
"Thanks," I say quietly, just above a whisper.
She hands us the paint and we run back to the elevator and open the paint cans. We have orange and green.
"I call green!" I yell.
"Good, cus I want orange," Annika responds sharply.
We spill our names on the wall. Mine is underneath 'levi', whoever that is, and Annika's is beneath 'Simon'.
When the elevator door dings open, someone is in front of us. We stare back shyly at a boy, who is probably our age but is still tall, im guessing 6 foot. He has orange hair and is looking straight at Annika's and mine hands which are covered in paint. He then glances at the wall and sees our names. He finally looks up, and then starts gawking at Annika. I'm not surprised, this happens a lot. Annika is very pretty, she is practically flawless. I am surprised though that Annika is gawking back at him.
Right before I say 'oooooh' to her, mockingly, she reminds me we are supposed to be going outside.
"Right," I say.
When we get outside the air feels so cool and warm at the same time. I instantly smile stretch out my arms and run, straight forward to where I see a river.


We are in a forest. A beautiful forest where I can look up and see light shining through the leaves in the trees, forming golden light beams, and where I can see drops of water, glimmering on beautiful, green leaves.
I'm standing in a little bit of a clearing, by the river I found, and looking out. On the other side I see train tracks. I begin to wonder what the train schedule is, but push the thought aside and look around again. Annika is lying in the grass, looking up at the sky and smiling.
Maybe we could live here after all.

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