Chapter 12 (extra long chapter😊)

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Tracey comes out of the bathroom in a summer dress and sandals, her hair down. She walks past everyone, not looking into a single persons eyes. She gets cereal from the kitchen and sits alone while she eats breakfast.
"I could have made you some eggs," Noah tells her, apologetically.
"Its fine," she replies. Tracey continues eating her cereal, slowly, probably thinking.
"Does this T.V have netflix?" I ask.
"I think, I can try to pull it up," Noah says.
"Good. I think you should all watch a certain show. It has ninjas with powers that just so happen to be exactly like ours," I say.
"Well, netflix is pulled up. What is it you want to put on?"
"Ninjago," I tell them, a smile spreading on my face.
"Ok... I cant find it. Can you get it?"
I take the remote without replying, and scroll through the shows on screen until I find one of the many Lego shows. This one called ninjago.
"No...," Annika says.
"Its back to haunt you Annika," I say. We used to watch this together all the time. We never told anyone about it and we never planned on doing so.
"What are you two talking about?" Simon asks.
"Just watch the show," I tell him. Annika throws her head back and sinks into the couch. Levi simply laughs, not bothering to ask anything about the show.
"You all will love it. My favorite season, is number four, but we have start in season one. You'll get used to it."
We binge watch the first 2 seasons before Mr. Cohen finally comes out of his room/office.
"What wet you doing that kept you in your room until," Levi checks his watch, "1:43 in the afternoon?"
"What work?" Simon asks.
"Registering you all for school. Tomorrow."
"Whoa whoa whoa. We're going back into the public school system?" Levi asks, worried sounding.
"I though that was obvious. To blend in, you will all be in public school. Starting tomorrow. I will get you guys in the same schedule, and Annika and Kamryn, being the most familiar with middle school, can help you guys out," Mr. Cohen says proudly.
Levi stands up and paces back and forth.
"Calm down alright. I'll be in the same room as you the whole time, ok?" I tell him
"Ok. Ok," he takes a deep breath and sits back down. I don't know why he was so nervous, but I will probably find out soon.
What's our cover story? Who are we supposed to be?" Annika asks.
"I adopted all of you from an orphanage a couple weeks ago, but when I needed more time for a job, and homeschooling got tough, I decided to put you into public school. You took on the last name Richardson when I adopted you. So now we are going by the last name Richardson but keeping our first name. Please keep to yourselves at school and play the part of your new identities. Only at school though please, I don't want to be called Mr. Richardson by all of you when I don't have to. Or Matthew Richardson," he says, seriously.
"Ok, I think I got all that," Annika says.
"Good, turn off the T.V so we can do some last minute...," Mr. Cohen struggles to find the right words, "training, I guess. So, you guys will have no time to use your powers, we arw going to use them as much as you can, right now. Annika and Noah, do whatever you want just don't go in when the rest of your peers are in there. Here is the order you are going to go. Levi first, then Simon can go, Tracey third, and Kamryn last. There is a window so you guys can watch if you want. Alright, go ahead Levi."
We watch Levi enter the room with metal walls all around, and see a window appear out of nowhere on the wall. We all run up to the glass and watch to see what Levi does. He starts in the corner if the room and lights it on fire. He soon has covered every surface in fire, and I can't see anything until burns out, and I see then, ashes everywhere, and Levi, barely visible in the ash. I laugh as Simon hoe into the room. He instantly starts in on mutilating the room. Ricks jut out of every surface and suddenly shatter. Simon creates an earthquake inside the room, and slowly everything shifts back into place. He throws his arms obe more time, and the room is suddenly larger. He leaves and Tracey is in the room next. She starts to do her solo that she showed us that one time, when we caught her in to auditorium. At first I dont understand why, but then I see qhat looks like waves in the air, rippling and waving. I hear a low rumble and realize that inside of there is a hurricane. She calms down and leaves. Its my turn.
I walk into the room slowly and try to forget my friends outside. I plan on never once turning towards them, I plan on not see in them once during this. Im the least prepared for this and I've had the least training, so I probably won't do much.
I start slowly covering every surface in a sheet of frost. I hear gasps but I don't know why or how, so I ignore it. I close my eyes and and take a breath. I feel snow falling on me and kick it up to a blizzard. I didn't even know I could do that. I open my eyes again and throw my arms upwards. Icicles sprout from the walls, only a few feet away from me, and I feel the temperature drop another, probably 20 degrees. Somehow the cold only sits on my skin and I feel warm inside, no need for a coat or scarf, or anything else like that. The snow falls heavier now, and the ice thickens. Suddenly all the light empties out of the room, probably blocked from the ice. I release all my anger from, I don't even know what, into the storm. A tear begins to fall down my cheek, but barely makes it a couple of centimeters before freezing. I look down at my hands and see that I am completely covers in frost myself. It barely stops at my jaw. I stop, done with the storm, and the snow stops falling. The ice around the room and the frost on me relented leaving. I hear crackling from the direction of the door and turn around. Mr. Cohen is holding an axe, I don't know where he got it from though. My friends file in and gasp, shivering.
"How are you alive in here?" Tracey asks.
"I like the cold," I deadpan.
"Alright clear out. Levi please melt this," Mr. Cohen says.
I walk back to my room, frost still covering my skin, Annika and Tracey behind me. I see niw why I heard gasps, it was my friends. Surrounding thw door and window was melting frost when I left, and there was probably more earlier. I smile and nearly laugh. I didn't just earn a new identity to my friends, but a new identity to myself as well.

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