Chapter 6

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I'm anxious to see what is in store today. I guess we only meet in the gym on week days, like school. Today is one of those days.
Annika gets up, and I notice firat that despite her hair being frizzy and messed up and the bags under her eyes paired with her slumping posture, her eyes are bright and alert. Its odd for her in the morning. She is most definetely not a morning person in the slightest.
"Your looking excited today," she tells me. I almost laugh. I look excited?
"Haven't you looked in the mirror honey?"
Annika glares at me.
"You seem pretty excited yourself Annika," I add.
She follows me out of the room and looks curiously down the hall, where I assume the other rooms are.
"You know, we can see who is in there if you want?" I ask.
"Yeah," she says. She sound a little distant, probably still tired.
We walk down thw hall and find three more rooms. One is marked with two names and the two have one name on thw front of the door. Mine and Annika's room obviously have our names on the front. The first door says 'Noah' and 'Simon' on the front. The second says 'Levi' and the third says 'Tracey'. I understand Tracey having her own room, she was the only girl up until me and Annika got here. I dont know why Levi has his own room though. Maybe there is a maximum of two beds per room and Levi volunteered to have his own? I decide to except that chance and move on.
Right as me and Annika reach the classroom side of the gym, I hear the door squeak open and turn around to see, without surprise, Noah and Tracey enter the room. I am eager to get to know them, and Simon and Levi,  since I will be living here.

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Training is interesting. We had a short lesson in each normal school subject and went straight into work in on our powers. Annika and Noah are practicing in combat skills, unable to use powers since they dont have them.
My current goal is to knock over a dummy with my powers. I look over at Tracey and feel bad for her. She is son small and weak with only the power of air and I dont see her being able to knock over the dummy.
She does it. Sort of.
I forgot that with air is wind. Tracey made a gust of wind so strong and compact that instead of knocking the dummy over, she just blew a hole straight threw the dummy, in its chest. It was so quick and powerful that the dummy barely wobbles. Like a giant gunshot to the chest.
Everyone stands gaping at Tracey and I assume this isn't a usual occurrence. She blushes and looks down at her feet.
"Im going to use the bathroom," she says meekly and half walks half jogs out of the training room. I dont kniw why, that is certainly not something to be embarrassed of. Maybe it was the attention? Im not quite sure.
"I dont think she is using the bathroom," Annika says.
I nod. "Ya think?"
"No she's going to the auditorium. Its her favorite place here," Noah says.
"There is an auditorium in this place?" I ask, overwhelmed.
"Now's not the time," he replies,  oddly serious. "Can we go check on her?" He asks Mr. Cohen.
"Fine, you might as well be dismissed. Training over for today. See you all tomorrow."

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