Chapter 16~

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When we're all finished eating we all head back to our dorm.

Currently the maknaes were all talking and all of the hyungs were speaking.

Then there was Y/n who was spiraled out across the couch on her phone doing god knows what.

Why was she so silent?

She could at least talk to me.

I pout and poke her.

She stops typing and glances up at me.

"Huh?" She asks.

"Why aren't you talking?" I ask.

"I'm busy." she shrugs.

"With what?" I ask.

"Stuff. I'll stop for you though." she says as she puts her phone in her jacket pocket and leans over and lays her head in my lap.

"Look at you two being all cute." Hoseok grins and Y/n laughs a bit as she turns so she's facing my stomach.

"I'm gonna sleep." she says.

"Wait right here? Now?" I ask and when she doesn't reply I let out a little laugh and run my fingers through her hair.

"She seems to really love you." Jackson says, smiling widely.

"She does." Namjoon says and I smile and nod.

"Yup and I'm all his." she says and I feel my heart warm as I see the smile on her face.

"And she's all mine." I say and Yoongi makes a noise.

"Award for cheesiest couple goes to them for sure." he says and Y/n laughs before standing.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"Bed. It's nosy but it was nice meeting you guys." Y/n says as she proceeds to hug everyone then disappears into our room and shuts the door.

"She's so sweet. You got lucky." JB says and I smile.

"I know." I say.

"Well it is getting pretty late. We should head home." Jinyoung says and the other agree and say their goodbyes before heading home.

Once they're gone I say my good nights to my members then head to my room to sleep.

When I get inside I see Y/n laying there in a ball on her phone.

"I thought you were going to sleep?" I say as I make my way over to the bed and crawl in beside her.

"I was waiting on you." she says and shuts her phone off and moves closer to me.

"Why is that?" I ask.

"So I could sleep on your chest, duh" she says and I laugh as she buries her face in my neck.

"Then why are you kissing my neck right now?" I ask as I feel her cold lips press against my neck, making me shiver.

>>>Sexual scene from this point on!!<<<

She doesn't answer as she continues to do it.

I see what she's doing.

I flip so that I'm on top of her and she's pinned under me.

When I see her eyes flash in excitement it furthers my desire for her.

"Are you trying to continue what we did last time?" I ask and she smirks.

"Maybe this time I won't be so gentle, Baby girl." I say and her eyes widen a little then she pulls me down and whispers in my ear.

"Then have your way with me." she says and gently bites down on my earlobe.

I was beginning to get really turned on and her like this wasn't helping.

I pull her face to mine and kiss her.

This kiss wasn't one we had before.

Instead of being gentle and sweet it was full of lust.

I gripped at her shirt and pulled it off as she pushed mine up.

Soon enough we were both completely naked and I felt like I was going crazy everytime I looked at her.

I was craving the feeling of being in her.

Her hand moved down from my hair to my member and my breathing hitched as she worked me.

"Fuck Y/n. That feels so good." I hiss and that makes her go faster. Just as I felt myself building up she stopped.

"What are you- fuck!" I hiss as I feel a warmth surround me.

She thoughts are interrupted as I moan.

This felt better then my hand ever had.

I felt my climax coming quickly as she continued.

"Fuck Y/n, I'm gonna-" and by then I cum and she seems to have no problem swallowing it all down which only turned me on more.

"Lay down." I demand and she instantly obeys.

I waste no time in returning the favor as I place my face between her thighs.

As soon as I place my tongue on her she moans out my name and grips at my hair which makes me go quicker until she becomes a moaning mess above me.

I'm sure everyone in the dorm knew we weren't sleeping.

I knew she didn't mean to be so loud but I wasn't gonna be the one to tell her to be quiet.

She tugged at my hair and moaned out the one thing I had wanted her to call me for the longest time, Oppa.

I move my head back and look at her.

"Say that again." I say and she looks at me, breathless.

"I want you, Oppa." she breathes and that's enough for me to get off too.

She pulls me to her and kisses me and I instantly kiss back.

"You have a condom right?" She asks and I nod and pull it out.

She watches me as I slide it on, her eyes never leaving me.

I wanted her so badly.

"You'll be okay, Right?" I ask and she nods and pulls me down to her.

I slowly ease into her but stop when she hisses.

"Are you okay? It doesn't hurt does it?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"It's okay, you can move." she says and I bite my lip and push the rest of the way in which makes her moan.

I stop for a minute and watch her face as she gets use to the feeling.

"I love you." I say as I lean down and kiss her forehead.

"I love you too." she says and I smile down at her.

"Am I okay to move?" I ask and she nods so I begin to move, slowly at first then I speed up.

She makes a face but before I can get worried the face turns to pleasure.

She moans and so I do.

She grips onto my bicep as she becomes a moaning mess under me as I thrust in and out of her.

"Jimin-" she moans and I speed up and soon she climaxes while moaning out Oppa which pushes me over the edge.

We both collapse onto the bed, exhausted from our climaxes.

"I love you." I smile as I turn over to face Y/n.

"I love you more." she smiles with her eyes shut.

"Sleep now, princess." I say as I kiss her forehead.

I guess I didn't have to tell her twice.

I smile to myself and fall asleep next to the love of my life.

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