Chapter 20~

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"Here we are. The place where all of the magic happens." B/f/n grins cheerfully as she pushes open the door to a medium sized house.

It was about two times bigger than the size of the dorm and even felt homey.

That would help if we started to feel homesick.

"Ah, home sweet your home!" Y/n grins as she throws herself down on the couch.

"Aren't you gonna put your bag in the room?" B/f/n asks and Y/n waves her hand in the air then says "After a long nights rest" then she's out like a light.

"She must have been really tired. It is really late here. You guys must be tired too, we can all sleep and then talk and what not tomorrow." B/f/n says and everyone is up for the idea.

"Now I only have one extra bedroom so how can we make this work?" She asks as she pulls her lips in.

"Well some of us can fit in the room then two of us can sleep out here." Jin says and b/f/n nods.

"Well whoever wants to sleep in the extra bedroom follow me." she says and Jin, Jungkook,Yoongi, Hoseok, and Taehyung all follow behind her while Namjoon and I stay.

"I'll take that couch." Namjoon says as he points over to the opposite couch.

"I guess I'll take the recliner because I don't think I'll live to see tomorrow if I try to wake Y/n to ask her to scoot over." I say and Namjoon laughs and lays down.

"Goodnight Jimin." he says.

"Goodnight." I reply and with that, we sleep.
"Isn't he adorable?" I hear when I wake up the next morning.

I hadn't opened my eyes or anything but I could hear sounds around me.

"He sure is. He looks like a small baby." Another person says and I open my eyes and glare at Y/n.

"I'm a man you know." I say and she laughs as her and B/f/n stand up.

"I'm serious." I pout as they begin to walk away.

"Where is everyone?" I ask as I rub the tired from my eyes.

"Sleeping." Y/n says as she takes a seat back on the couch she had slept on.

I looked over to see that Namjoon was indeed still asleep on the couch.

"How long have you been awake?" I ask and they both look at me.

"Not long." they both say and I pull in my lips and nod.

"Oh, and we're gonna have a party tonight. It'll be fun!" Y/n grins.

"A party? Like a birthday party?" I ask and the two girls look at each other then at me with pitiful looks as they awe, causing me to frown.

"Oh bud, you're so innocent. We're talking about a party party. Ya know with sex and Alcohol" B/f/n grins and I glance over at Y/n who laughs.

"Well don't worry about the sex part. That's for her and her man." Y/n wiggles her eyebrows which makes b/f/n hit her. she talking about the guy from that time I was face timing her?

What was his name?..


"It'll be fun, trust me!" Y/n says reassuringly.

I just agree.

I mean how bad could it be.

This is all part of living my life so why not.

"Who's all coming?" I ask and the two girls glance at each other with smirks and by those mischievous looks I assume that's how we ended up here.

The house was now packed with people, most of them wearing close to nothing.

Is this really how people in America dressed?

"Come on Jimin, let's have a drink!" Y/n yells over the music.

I nod my head and follow her into the kitchen where she gets us both alcohol.

I sip mine before following her back out to the living room that only seemed to get that much more crowded by the second.

"Y/n! You're back!" I hear and turn my head to see two girls and two guys coming our way.

"Awe I missed you guys!" Y/n says excitedly as she throws her arms around the two girls.

"We missed you too!" They yell back over the music.

"Chad my man! How's it going?" Y/n asks and my eyebrows raise at the name.

That was the Chad guy?

"Aye aha good to see you again. You look great." he says and I bite my tongue.

I had to act mature and not get jealous over a simple comment such as that.

I mean obviously she looked great.

She always looks great.

Y/n replies back but I can't even begin to think of what was said because the music was so loud.

They say something else as they look at me.

Y/n smiles and joins my side and then I can hear her.

"Yes this is him." She says as she wraps her arm around mine.

"Nice to meet you man." The guy says as he extends his hand towards me.

I just simply nod as I shake his hand quickly and pull it back.

"Anyways, don't drink too much." Chad says before walking away.

Once he's gone Y/n turns to me and smiles.

"Do you want to dance?" She asks and I smile and nod at her.

When we make our way to where the others are dancing I spot each of my members.

Jungkook and Taehyung were trying aimlessly to flirt with some girls, Hoseok and Yoongi were talking to each other, Jin was talking to B/f/n, and Namjoon was trying to fix a picture frame he broke.

I turn my full attention to Y/n and watch as she downs the cup of alcohol she had then begins to sway her hips as she comes closer to me.

"You look really hot tonight just so you know." she whispers in my ear and I bite my lip as I grab her waist, pulling her closer so she doesn't pull away.

"Do you want to sneak away for a moment?" I ask and she pulls back a bit and her eyes meet mine, shimmered In excitement.

"You don't even have to ask. Let's go."

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