Chapter 2

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Here's to Chapter 2! AgentBelle-97

Jay had already been in the kitchen with a cup of coffee when he heard a small pitter patter of feet from across the hall. It was still early so he wondered why Sophia was out of bed but if he had to guess it had been the result of her restless night, he had to see to his young daughter on numerous occasions during the night after having a night terror. 

Peering his head from the kitchen he spotted his 5-year-old daughter clutching Officer bear close to her chest. Sophia’s head was down as she wandered carelessly towards her father, Jay noticed at an instant something was bothering his daughter. 

Placing his coffee out of reach he crouched down to his daughter’s height and held his arms opened for her. She fell into them in an instant and started to sob. Jay ran his hand up and down Sophia’s back as he recited soothing words to her.

“You okay angel?” He asked her, eye contact remained still as he looked over his daughter to see if she was physically harmed. 

“Da-daddy- the- the man- got me - again.” Sophia struggled through her hiccups. It had been the same situation every night for the past week. Sophia had been suffering from them ever since the masked criminal had attempted to take her from their home during the night nearly a week ago.

“Angel. Angel. It’s okay. Daddy’s got you.” He smiled gently as he used his thumbs to wipe the tears from Sophia’s eyes. “You got a big day today sweetheart!”

“I wanna go to work with daddy” Sophia sniffed slightly.

“You know you can’t angel. How about I come and pick you up from school today?” Jay suggested.

At those words, Sophia instantly had a smile on her face and her toothy grin was intact. 

“Really daddy? And not Uncle Will?” Sophia’s eyebrows furrowed slightly as she made sure that her daddy was serious.

"Hey now, I always keep my promises, Angel.” Jay never broke his promises but normally if Sophia’s daddy was home early it meant that he had a really bad day and the 5-year-old didn’t like that one bit.

“Okay, daddy.”

“Now, how ‘bout we go get you dressed and then daddy will drop you at school. How's that sound?” Jay suggested softly

Nodding shyly, the little girl moved towards her bedroom. Looking back, she checked that Jay had been following her before she continued to head towards the room at the end of the hall.

It took Jay longer than usual to find his daughter something to wear. He really needed to do some washing. He thought as he rooted through her drawers. He had been so busy with making sure Sophia hadn’t moved from his sight that he completely forgot about the household chores. 

Finally finding something for Sophia to wear he lifted the small outfit up. “What about this, Angel?”

Sophia just looked at her daddy like he had forgot the blueberries for blueberry pancake Saturday. “Oh no daddy!” She exclaimed slapping her hands to her cheek as she stared at her daddy open mouthed. “Daddy, you need a talk with Aunt Gabby.”

And the sassiness had returned. “Why what’s wrong with this?” He argued looking over the outfit he had picked. He had picked out a red Minnie mouse top and a pink legging set.

Sophia just buried her head in her hands in exasperation. Her daddy didn’t have any idea.

Deciding that he had already lost the argument before it had even begun he found a jean skirt and some tights, pulling them from the drawer he held them in the air with raised eyebrows. “Better?”

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