Chapter 9

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And here it is, Chapter 9.

This was a tough chapter to post, with two different schedules and delayed responses due to one of us not having any signal, me...Sorry Belle!

I'd also like to say I'm super proud of AgentBelle-97 and how she did on her law midterm! GO GIRL!

Let us know what you think! 


Jumping from the SUV, Voight took in his surroundings, the first thing he had seen was the fire burning hot whilst Erin shadowed over a collapsed Jay, holding his hand tightly.

At the sight, the Intelligence Unit advanced quickly ,though it had only been Voight to reach Erin and Jay. Kneeling down Voight felt for Jay's pulse. Steady but barely there. Sighing in relief ,his eyes connected with Erin. "Paramedics are on their way," Voight assured.

Erin nodded, she willed herself not to cry as she heard Jay stir slightly. His breathing was ragged and shaky, his eyes fluttered but they didn't open. "Jay? Jay? Can you hear me, Halstead?"

"Ruzek, you stay with Erin. Wait for the paramedics," Voight demanded. "The rest of you. I want anything that could lead us to this son of a bitch."

Everybody nodded in agreement, ready to catch the guy who did this to their friend, someone who was family to them all.

Ruzek was quick to attend to Jay, collapsing to his knees beside his friend and colleague. "Come on Halstead. You got a little girl back at the precinct demanding to know where you are."

Erin choked out a sob at the mention of Sophia.

"Paramedics are here," Burgess called from her position on the barren land.

The white ambo could be seen advancing across the wide spread area. It was 61.

The two paramedics jumped from the rig. Gathering their med bags, they ran towards Erin, Ruzek and a barely conscious Jay.

"Erin?" Gabby noticed her first. It wasn't until she noticed Jay, collapsed on the floor that she let out a gasp. "Jay?"

"It's Jay, Gabby. It's Jay." Erin's voice shook badly as she spoke.

Ruzek, being the somewhat calm one , spoke up. "He has 2nd degree burns across his abdomen and back. His pulse is weak. He already had a few broken ribs, I- I uh think that one must have hit a lung, his breathing's shaky."

Gabby nodded, taking the information she had been given all in. "Good work. We can take it from here." Looking up ,Gabby noticed the shaking detective. Reaching out a hand she gripped onto Erin's shaking one, her eyes steady as she spoke. "Erin. We're gonna take good care of him. Just let us do our job."

Erin nodded, her other hand not loosening from Jay's weak grip.

"Hey Jay? It's Gabby Dawson. We've got you, man. You're gonna be okay."

"Is that Detective Halstead?" Brett, the blonde paramedic asked her partner as she placed the gurney beside the collapsed detective.

"Yeah. Can you take over, I need to call Antonio. Now." Gabby asked quickly. If everyone was here and Jay was hurt that only meant one thing, Jay was in trouble.

Pulling out her cell Gabby dialed the number she knew all too well and waited.

"Dawson." He answered on the third ring.

"Antonio- Antonio, thank God! Uh it's," Gabby let out sigh of relief. "It's Jay. He's been hurt. Really badly."

"Hurt? Gabby ,what's happened?" Gabby could hear her brother rushing around, most likely leaving the office to head to the hospital no doubt.

"He's been burned Toni." Gabby declared seriously. "The unit are here, I think you should get to Med, he's gonna need you"

Antonio nodded down the line,  and then remembering that his sister wouldn't be able to see the action,  he spoke up. "Okay. Okay. I'll be there, I'm gonna get Sophia first."

Gabby nodded too. "Good. She's gonna need a friendly face." Shutting her phone off, Gabby returned to Brett who was treating Jay.

Brett had just placed an oxygen mask on him when she turned to Gabby. "We need to get him to med, now."

Nodding, Gabby shifted the backboard beside Jay and with the help from Brett and Ruzek ,who had remained with Erin, lifted him to the gurney.

"Let's get him loaded into the ambo."

"Sarge, over here," Atwater called. Using his gloved hand he lifted the small device from amongst the dry dirt. "Burner phone."

The team looked up as they caught sight of the cell in Attwater's hand. Looking through his shades, Voight ordered, "Bag it."

Ruzek returned to Voight after Jay was placed securely in the ambo. "Sarge? Halstead's heading to Med. Do you want me to follow?"

"No." Voight shook his head and turned to the team. "I need you all to head back to the precinct, and find where this son of a bitch went."

With nods from the team they all set to work. Voight knew they would all rather be with Jay at Med but he also knew the need to capture Callum Stone was much greater.

With Brett in the front of the Ambo, Gabby  treating Jay and Erin in the back, they made their way to Med.

It wasn't long before Gabby noticed Jay's shaky breathing. "I'm just gonna put this oxygen mask on you Jay, it'll make it easier for you." She wanted to scoff at her comment as she realized, Jay Halstead never did anything the easy way

Gabby noticed that Jay's breathing wasn't getting easier and almost at an instant Erin noticed the panicked paramedic.

"What is it?" Erin asked frantically. "What's wrong?"

Gabby knew Erin was scared, hell she was scared too. But Gabby also had the experienced thinking to know that she needed to treat Jay Halstead first and be a friend to him second. "Erin, sit back. Please. Let me do my job."

"What's going on back there?" Brett asked from the driver's seat.

Ignoring Brett for a second ,Gabby turned to Erin. "What did this guy do to him?"

The longer it took for Erin to respond, the harder it got for Jay to breathe.

"Gabby?" Brett pressed.

"He's developing a pneumothorax-" Gabby started but she had been cut off by the erratic sounds of the monitors blaring.

"What's happening?" Erin cried. "Jay? Jay. Come on Halstead, don't do this."

"He's coding." Gabby shouted and began compressions. When the chest compressions didn't work Gabby knew she needed to shock the detective. Looking to the other, heartbroken and scared detective she said. "Erin. Erin. Listen to me. I need to shock him but you're gonna have to step back,okay?"

Erin didn't move nor speak and just allowed the tears to flow freely down her cheeks.

"Erin? You gotta trust me," Gabby pushed. It took a moment or two but Erin soon stepped back quickly. "Charging 160...on three," she called waiting for the Erin to take a step back before she shocked him.

"Come back to us, Jay," Erin murmured as she watched Gabby try to revive her boyfriend. "Come back to me and Sophia."

"We're 2 minutes out," Brett called from the front of the ambo where she steered her way through Chicago.

"He doesn't have 2 minutes Brett!"

Erin looked up. Was she really on the verge of losing Jay? The beeping on the monitor caught her attention.

"We've got rhythm." Gabby clapped her hands together in triumph.

Arriving at Chicago Med a team of trauma specialists were waiting amongst them was Dr Rhodes who took lead along. "What do we got?"

"Detective Jay Halstead , 30 years old. 2nd Degree burns to the lower abdomen and back, pneumothorax caused by a historic broken rib. Coded on route. Pain relief administered," Brett began to relay the information as Maggie directed the paramedics towards an empty trauma room.

"Jay, it's Dr Rhodes. I need you to try and stay awake just a little longer. " He turned to the nurses. "On three"

With Jay transferred onto the bed Connor Rhodes began to order the necessary tests. "Let's get a line in and organize oxygen. Let's get this chest drain changed and then we can clean up these burns."

Whilst Dr Rhodes had began to treat Jay, Erin was left on the other side of the glass. She made her way gingerly towards the waiting room where a small voice made her jump.

"Pretty lady Erin!" The small voice called. It was Sophia. She was with Antonio. "Where's Daddy?"

"Come on sweetheart, Daddy's gotta be checked out. Then we can see him. Okay?" She had been picked up by the Latino easily.

Sophia nodded sadly, she hated the thought but she understood the necessity.

With Sophia in his arms Antonio moved towards Erin. Using a free arm, he clutched onto Erin's shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "He's gonna be okay, Er."

"I hope so Antonio. I hope so." Erin whispered. The tears in her eyes were clear, she needed Jay and though they still had pasts they would both like to rewrite, the thought losing him was too much for Erin to bare and she slumped into one of the chairs, leaning forward with her head in her hands and her arms leant on her knees.

It hadn't taken long for Will to arrive in a panic. After hearing the events of the day , he was quick to make sure his niece and his brother's girlfriend were okay. Sophia had dismissed him by telling him how 'Uncle Toni had the flashiest lights' to get to the hospital. As for Erin ,on the other hand, it was clear that seeing Jay get hurt had made her distraught, and other than looking out for her until Jay could, Will really didn't know what to do.

Voight had arrived shortly after the ambulance and after looking for anymore information they could give him he joined Antonio, Will, Erin and little Sophia.

Sophia had been sat between Antonio and Hank when Connor returned. She had been asking her Grumpy Hank a lengthy amount of questions, though not all relevant to today's events Voight still had trouble keeping up.

When Connor had arrived back into the waiting room he was met with Erin and Voight from the intelligence team, Will, Jay's brother and Sophia who was currently being looked after by Antonio.

Erin had been on her feet at an instant. "How is he?"

"Is my daddy okay, Dr. Roadie?" Sophia's voice piped up from her seat.

"The burns were 2nd degree, they've been treated.  He suffered a pneumothorax which had been a result of his already broken ribs. He crashed again whilst in Trauma so we had to intubate. He's stable now," Connor relayed the information to the group that had gathered in the waiting room. 

"Thank you man." It had been Will the one to thank the Rhodes doctor. Though their friendship had been fairly rocky, Will was glad that his brother was stable and on the road to recovery.

"Thank you so much," Erin thanked the man who stood before her.


The faint beeping sound was all Jay heard as he came to his senses.

"Er-Erin?" Jay's voice was hoarse which had probably been caused by the punctured lung .

"I'm afraid not man. It's Connor." Connor announced from his position at the side of the room where he had been jotting down his notes. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit" He croaked. "Where's Sophia? And uh- Erin? Are they okay?"

Connor nodded. "They're in the waiting room. I can get them for you?"

"Thanks man."

Antonio stepped into his friend's ward. Even though he had seen Jay tortured before, he still wasn't ready to face the truth. He knew the bigger part of Jay's life as a soldier, so he knew about Callum. He just never figured Callum capable of doing something this monstrous to his former childhood friend.

Jay was conscious,  an IV drip connected to his arm. He looked weak, but who wouldn't after that terrible ordeal? His ribs were wrapped in gauze tape, and Antonio could tell that it would take a while to heal, after everything Jay had been through.

"Hey," Antonio spoke, advancing closer and taking seat beside Jay.

"Hey," Jay replied, giving his friend a smile.

"How do you feel?"

Jay shrugged. "I'm okay,"

Typical Jay Halstead style, he was hiding the fact that he was in pain, his entire body felt like it was on fire. Well, the burns on his back and stomach were the reason for his pain, more than his ribs. Jay didn't say anything for moment, instead he kept thinking. He wasn't thinking about what he had gone through, he wasn't thinking about the pain his former childhood friend had inflicted on him all in the name of revenge, he wasn't thinking about how he was badly injured. Jay was thinking of two people in particular: Erin and Sophia.

"Halstead!" Antonio snapped his fingers in front of Jay, suddenly jerking his younger friend out of his train of thought.

A wave of pain shot up Jay's body when he moved, but he hid it. "What?" he asked, looking at Antonio.

"I was asking, what are you daydreaming about?" Antonio repeated.

Jay raised an eyebrow at his long-time friend, the one who had gotten him into the Intelligence Unit when he had been shot in the shoulder while taking down a thug named Arthur. "I wasn't daydreaming, Dawson," he pointed out.

"You sure? Cause I feel like you probably had Erin on your mind." Antonio playfully nudged Jay's shoulder.

Jay just shook his head, an amused smirk on his lips. But, Antonio could see something was DEFINITELY on Jay's mind. Before he could say anything, Jay spoke, his voice low, "I should be helping, Toni."

Antonio knew the feeling of being helpless, laying in the hospital bed, while your teammates work on catching the criminal. "Jay, trust me, I know you want to help," he said, softly. "But you have to remember, you're injured. There's not much that can be done."

"You know it's my fault that asshole is here right?"

Antonio stood up immediately, and pressed his hand on Jay's shoulder. "Jay, don't. Don't blame yourself for what happened. You did the RIGHT thing. Think about it this way. If you had died that day, you would not have Sophia right now."

At the mention of his daughter, Jay couldn't help but smile. Antonio wasn't wrong there. Sophia meant the world and more to Jay. He may have first thought of Amanda as a fling initially, but when she had told him she was pregnant, he had vowed to take care of his child. He would NEVER regret having Sophia.

"What really happened, Jay?" Antonio inquired suddenly, referring to the ordeal in the barren land.

"I just did what I had to do to protect Erin and Sophia," Jay replied, as if it was nothing, like he hadn't just suffered if it meant that Erin and Sophia were safe. But Jay had been trained as solider, he had been trained to protect. He didn't think in terms of pain or what he had been put through, he just needed to be sure that his daughter and girlfriend were safe. That was what mattered to him.

Antonio couldn't help but admire the young detective in front of him. He had been through hell and back, yet he was still thinking about others, and not himself. Times like this reminded Antonio why it was so easy for him to leave the Intelligence Unit and shift to Chief Investigator:
Because of the kind of man and cop Jay Halstead was and continued to prove to be.

"Speaking  about Sophia," Antonio continued, sitting back down.

"Is she okay?" Jay suddenly asked worriedly.

"Yeah she's fine, Jay," Antonio nodded. "When Gabby called me,  I was more worried about you than I've ever been. And Sophia saw that, but then again, I'm not surprised, she's got your perceptive genes."

Jay laughed. Sophia really was quite perceptive and observant for her age.

"She didn't show it, but she was worried too. But just like you, she forgot about herself, and made me feel better by reminding me that her daddy is a superhero, and he would be okay," Antonio revealed.

Jay felt his eyes water, but he held his tears back and instead, smiled.

 Antonio placed his hand on Jay's shoulder again. "You've raised a great kid, Jay. You should be proud."

"Thanks, Toni."

Just then, Voight entered. "Halstead, a word."

Antonio stood up, checking his watch. "I should head back to work. Glad you're okay, man." With a gently clap on Jay's shoulder, Antonio exited the ward.

Voight approached Jay's bed. "Your former girlfriend hid some information from you," Hank informed, getting straight to the point. He knew his detective well by now to know that Jay wouldn't want to constantly be asked how he's doing and if he's okay. This was one of the many reasons Hank Voight respected Jay Halstead.

"What did she tell you?" Jay asked, the pain in his body suddenly becoming worse again as he moved slightly.

Voight noticed the way Jay held back a wince, and he wondered if he had made the right choice by coming. But he knew he needed to keep Jay in the loop.  "Stone lied. He had a kid, he and his wife never lost their son. If we had found out that in fact his son was born and alive, we would have located them and they would have been able to lead us to Callum. In an attempt to prevent that from happening, he hid them away, and made it look like they disappeared. Amanda knew this and he threatened to do the same to her if she told anyone he and his wife had never lost their son." 

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