Chapter 6

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And here's CHAPTER 6! Once again I'd like to thank AgentBelle-97 for putting up with me whilst writing this, I know I can be a real pain sometimes.

Remember to let us know what you think and please review.


"They need to know Hank!" Erin insisted. Her conversation or rather one sided argument with Jay yesterday made her realise that keeping Sophia a secret was absurd.

"Erin." His voice was low and warning.

Jay had kept his daughter a secret for a reason and Voight wasn't about to go against that. Hank had been there for the small Halstead family since he found out about Sophia, he never questioned Jay's reasons for keeping Sophia away from his work, Voight knew if he had the same opportunity he would have kept Justin away too, it might have even saved his life.

"He's living a lie Hank! You have to see that." Erin hissed. No matter how many times she thought about it or how many times she tried to see the situation in Jay's perspective she still couldn't understand.

Erin took one last look at Voight before she left the office. Voight jumped from his chair and with long strides reached the door of his office.

"Guys. You need to know something." She declared as she stepped from Voight's office. She looked around as she wondered how Jay hadn't just wanted to tell his 'family' about his daughter

"Erin. It's not just Jay you're going to hurt." Voight warned again. He stood in the doorway office and watched Erin as she began to talk to the detectives and officers who were all conversing curiously.

Erin shook her head. They had to know.

"What is it Lindsay?" Ruzek asked from his desk where Burgess and Atwater gathered whilst Olinsky's head appeared from behind the storage cabinet.

She took a deep breath, glancing at Voight one last time. He just shook his head. It was her grave. "Jay- he - he's been hiding something from you. Something big" Thinking about her words Erin corrected herself slightly "Well- small actually." Now or Never. "Jay's got a kid."

Adam had thought it was a joke at first and immediately started to laugh but that soon stopped when he noticed the annoyed glare Voight held from his office. "You're serious?"

Erin nodded. "Yeah."

"Wha-when?" Burgess stumbled across her words. "Is he on paternity leave?" She checked, automatically assuming that the reason behind Jay's absence was in fact due to the birth of his child.

"No." Erin shook her head and lifted her cell from her back pocket. "She's 5, she's beautiful, she's so much like Jay." She smiled sincerely

"5? A little girl," Atwater cut across this time. "Man , I did not see that one coming."

Jay Halstead had hidden his daughter for 5 years, he had made friends, made enemies, he shared both the good times and the bad times with the people but the one thing he didn't share was the fact that he had a 5 year old daughter.

Scrolling through her photos Erin found the picture she had been looking for. "Here."

The picture was one of Erin's personal favorites. It was a picture of both Jay and Sophia.

"What's her name? What is she like?" Adam asked. He tried to imagine his friend's daughter, he imagined someone who rolled her eyes despite only being 5, he imagined her to have a grin that went on for even and lastly he imagined her to have the 'always right' attitude Jay possessed.

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