Chapter 5

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Thank you guys for all your support and especially for AgentBelle-97 for helping me to co-write this story, I'm so happy that you agreed to do this with me. Remember to let us 


Erin awoke to Jay's chest rising and down. She remembered the previous night and couldn't help but let the smile invade her features.

"Morning..." Jay breathed, he had been watching Erin sleep for a while now but she looked so comfy, her head rested on his chest he didn't want to have to wake her up.

"How long have you been up?" Erin asked as she snuggled closer into Jay's bare chest.

Jay turned his head back to his dresser where his alarm clock lay and noticed the time. 6:08am.

"Only a few minutes." Erin could feel Jay's bare chest rise beneath her head as he spoke softly. "We should get up, though. Sophie's gonna be here any minute now."

Sophia would no doubt jump from her room any time soon demanding to be fed and true to his predictions a stampede of little feet could be heard from down the corridor and it only took a matter of seconds for his bedroom door to be hauled open and a small weight to jump onto the bed.

Jay laughed as Erin scrambled to the top of the bed, pulling the duvet cover with her as if to shield her body for a moment. Jay was used to being woken up by his hyper 5-year-old jumping on his chest, it had become a daily routine by this time.

The jumping 5-year-old suddenly stopped and stared wide eyed at the woman in her father's bed. Her inquisitive self began to ask questions immediately. "Daddy? Why's pretty lady Erin sleepy with you?" She asked slightly confused.

Jay and Erin shared a look with each other, neither were exactly sure how to answer Sophia's question.

Jay sat up slowly and began to think of a way to answer his angel but Erin beat him to it.

"How about we get you some breakfast muffin?" Erin smiled as she used the nickname Sophia seemed to love.

Sophia began to bounce on Jay's chest again mindful of her still casted arm but suddenly she stopped for the second time. Jay had noticed the action and muttered "Oh boy," in hushed tones, he knew his daughter wasn't finished.

Sophie pointed to her daddy with her unbroken wrist and tried her best to narrow her eyes but her attempt was unsuccessful and just seemed to widen. Both the adults tried to keep their expression neutral and keep any trace of laughter away as Sophia had a VERY serious expression on her face. "You told me I not allowed to sleepy in bed with peoples until I am-" Sophia stopped for a second as she tried to use her fingers to work something out. Finally smiling as she held 7 fingers up she continued, "three and five."

Erin had to use her hand to hide her smirk but a giggle seemed to seep through somewhere.

"More like forty-five angel" Jay declared pointedly his eyes focusing on his daughter. He knew not to fall in this trap but his angel was far too cute.

Sophia's sassy attitude seemed to have returned as she crossed her arms uncomfortably and shook her head exasperatedly at her daddy as if he had committed the worst possible crime. "But you're sleepy with Erin." Sophia whispered hoping Erin had not heard but despite her efforts the 5-year-old's attempt of a whisper had been more of a hushed shout. "Naughty gonna be on the naughty step now daddy."

"Uh-um-" Jay stammered slightly as he couldn't bring the words to respond to his kid.

Jay looked to Erin who had now snuggled back in the duvet. "Naughty step?" She mouthed with a wicked grin.

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