Chapter 10

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A/N: Thank you for all the lovely comments and reviews we are receiving, they're really encouraging us to bring this story to you.

Remember to let us know what you think. Here's Chapter 10. AgentBelle-97


"Why would I ever do anything that asshole says?" Jay demanded, trying his best to keep his voice down.

Alyssa watched Jay, but she didn't offer up an answer. Erin observed the scene in front of her, it never struck her that Jay would even know Alyssa, but she figured it made sense he did, seeing that he had been friends with her husband at one point.

"Alyssa?" Jay repeated, softly, watching as the woman's sickly pale face somewhat softened, but her body remained rigid. "Did he mistreat you?"

Erin noticed how Alyssa's body stiffened even more, and her hands shook. She didn't speak, though she looked like she wanted to say something important. She had seen it so many times before, it was part of her job.

"We can help you, Alyssa," Erin offered, her voice gentle. "We're both cops, we can help you get away from him. But we need to know, did he hurt you in any way, physically or emotionally..."

Alyssa's eyes landed on Erin. "He-he did both," she whispered, her voice cracking. "He killed our son, because...because he, he had blue eyes, like you, Jay. Said he reminded him too much of you."

Jay's body stiffened, and it was only because Erin was lying next to him that she felt it. She intertwined her fingers with Jay's, squeezing his hand lovingly, to let him know she was here.

Alyssa looked down at her feet, then finally pushed herself from the door frame. "I don't blame you, Jay," She finally spoke. "I'm just giving you free advice. If you want to protect this family of yours, especially your little girl, then do as Callum says. He's merciless and he won't think twice about hurting your daughter. If he can kill his own flesh and blood, his own son, he can do a lot worse to Sophia." With that, Alyssa walked away.

Jay couldn't breathe, for some reason. He felt his chest tightening, and Erin leaned in to his body, placing her free hand very gingerly over the bandages that covered his burns.

"Babe, hey," she whispered, "hey, Sophia's with Will, Callum can't hurt her. Okay?"

Jay just nodded, but he could feel his heart rate increasing, making it harder for him to breathe normally. Erin sensed it too, and she kissed his cheek. "Jay, just relax, breathe," Erin coaxed, affectionately, "we're gonna get through this, together okay? I've got your back."

Jay nodded again, but he tightened his arm around his girlfriend just to be sure that he really did have her, that this wasn't just some twisted dream.

At that moment, Sophia bounced into the room, Will following right behind. He was carrying a duffle bag. He noticed Jay's tensed body and frowned, wondering if his brother was in pain.

"Jay, you alright?" Will asked, worriedly.

Jay knew what his brother was secretly asking, without Sophia catching on. "I'm good, Will," Jay promised sincerely.

Will nodded, relief flooding through his entire body. He placed the duffle bag on the empty one-seater couch while Sophia climbed back onto the bed, and gently made her way onto Jay's lap, careful not to sit too close to his stomach.

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